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I post a smile
on my face,
trying to appear
as if nothing's wrong.

It's all a lie,
the happiness,
the trust,
the peace of mind.

Why can't you see,
the pain I feel
inside my dieing heart;
why can't you help me.

I want so much,
for it all to end;
the sadness,
the anger....

These Emotions,
they kill me slowly,
make me wish I could finally leave this world.
I can't.

Although I wish
for the feelings to end,
it doesn't...
and there's nothing I can do about it.

If I want to die,
I wonder,
than why can't I?
Why can't I grab the knife......

and slit my wrist......
or perhaps my throat....
and leave my friends,
and the family I truly have.....

Why can't these Emotions end?

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