Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Suggestive material ahead




George nodded.

"absolutely, Angie. However, just for my sake I'd like to have you take some as well."

"I planned on it, love" Evangeline said, offering George a small smile.

George kissed Evangeline on the cheek and returned to his dorm for the night. Once he let himself in, he heard Fred talking to someone.

"I just don't get it, mate. Why would she kiss me and then not want to talk to me about it?" Fred asked.

"I mean... she is dating George. She probably just freaked out and tried to get back at him for what happened with Lynnie."

George entered further into the dorm and saw Fred and Lee Jordan sitting around talking.

"Hey George" Lee said, glancing over at him to see if he was sad or not.

Fred did not say anything.

"How did it go with Evangeline?" Lee asked.

Fred's head turned to his twin, he still pretended to have no interest in the conversation though.

"Good, great actually! She agreed that if we both take Veritaserum we can stay together. I owe her anything and everything. What I did was so wrong." George smiled.

"Reckon she'll take a dose as well?" Lee asked.

"Yeah, she will" George replied, making eye contact with his twin.

"I would like to be there as it happens." Fred said, standing up.

"I was just going to recommend it, brother" George retorted as he readied himself for bed.

Fred's look became shocked, George said goodnight to Lee as he returned to his dorm.

"Can we talk?" Fred asked sitting on George's bed.

"If this is about what I think it is- "

"Just hear me out... please" Fred begged.

"Alright, let's hear it then" George sighed, as he turned to face his brother.

"It was weird right; I only saw Evangeline as a friend. If I am being completely honest, I've always seen myself getting with Saturne, not Evangeline. But anyways, it was like when she kissed me... I do not know... I felt some sort of spark. And it is not something I have had before. But then when I went to see her earlier, I didn't really feel it from looking at her." Fred rambled.

"So, what are you saying, Freddie?" George asked, confused.

"I think those bloody twin girls used a love potion on us." Fred explained.

George's eyes widened. It all made sense, he never wanted to kiss Lynnie; however, when she kissed him, he felt as if he could not pull away.

"Fred, I think you are bloody right!" George said, rather loudly.

Fred nodded and stood up.

"Do not get me wrong, George. You have got a good one, with Angie... but she is your girl." Fred smiled at his brother before returning to his own bed to go to sleep.

George smiled to himself, but the smile only lasted so long before he was filled with rage. How dare those stupid girls love potion them! George was furious, and so he could not fall asleep. He got out of bed and tiptoed to the girl's dorms. Before he knew it, he was knocking lightly on Evangeline's dorm. He sighed afterwards, knowing she was probably asleep. But to his sudden surprise, the door opened. There stood the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

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