Chapter 8

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I should probably point out that from this point on in the story, you can expect there to be sexual content.

Please do not read this story if you cannot handle any types of sexual context or actions. 

It had been an amazing month for Evangeline and George. They had practically been in their own little world. George had completely fallen for Evangeline and every little thing she does.

George had begun to keep a journal; he wrote in it every other day. He began an entry for today:

Evangeline looked absolutely stunning today. Ron had made an awful joke at breakfast, and she giggled. It was so precious. She utterly amazes me.

George sighed. Evangeline was off studying with Saturne and Hermione in the library. He missed her like crazy. He was about to go and join the girls when his twin walked in the commons.

"Hey Freddie!" George greeted his twin happily.

"oh uh, hi Georgie" Fred replied, as he dashed to the dorm.

George grew suspicious, and quickly followed Fred.

When George opened the door, he saw his twin aggressively scrubbing at a mark on his neck.

"What the bloody hell is that?" George asked as he saw a pink lipstick mark on his brother's neck.

"Ooooohhhhh" George teased.

"Shut up!" Fred grunted as he scrubbed faster.

Something about this seemed off putting to George, he felt familiar in this situation. Something similar happened just last week. Evangeline had bought this pink lipstick, she claimed it was "trendy and cute" and she kissed George on the lips, and it had tinted his lips the same shade pink.

"wait a bloody minute..." George said, grabbing Fred's face to get a better look at the mark.

It was the same shade as Evangeline's. No. No. It is a popular shade! Any bloody girl could have the same shade. There is no way that Evangeline kissed Fred...

"Freddie...." George whispered.

Fred stopped scrubbing and turned to his brother.

"What? What are you on about?" Fred tilted his head.

"Please tell me that... that isn't Evangeline's mark on your neck there, is it?" George grew guilty for even questioning it. She took Veritaserum that one time, there was no way she was into Fred.

"Bloody hell, George" Fred chuckled.

"Answer the question, for Merlin's sake!" George growled.

Later that day...

Evangeline finally looked up from the book she was reading.

"Saturne, I cannot finish our homework if you keep interrupting my reading." Evangeline giggled.

Hermione shut her book and closed Evangeline's as well.

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