Chapter 7

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~Paige's Pov~
"Paigey help me!" My brother cried as he plopped down next to me in the Gryffindor common. I set down my book and turned towards Harry.
"What's wrong Harry?" I asked my brother he turned and gave me a sad face.
"Ginny... I like her... A lot..." He said I smiled at Harry and hugged him.

"Aww finnaly my idiot brother came to terms with his feelings!!!" Harry rolled his eyes and pushed me off

"Paige this is bad! Ginny is with Dean!" Harry groaned. I frowned he has a point.
"Ok well they aren't perfect they are always fighting!" I said but he frowned he stood up and grabbed my hand.
"Come on we have slug club." he said, he didn't let go of my hand and together we walked to slug club. When we arrived Harry sat in the middle of Hermione and I and then Reilly was next to me.
"Ahh Miss. Black you are spitting image of your mother!" Professor slughorn said with a huge smile in his face. Harry told me earlier that Slughorn taught our mum and she was one if his favorites.
"Thank you professor but I go by Potter." I said slughorn looked confused
"My apologies but I thought Sirius black was your father?" he asked. Harry grabbed my hand and I tried to hold back tears Sirius is a very touchy subject for us. Before I could say anything Harry spoke.
"Sirius is her biological dad but she is a Potter." Harry said looking at my brother I see it. Sirius always said that he looked like my dad except for the eyes and I see it. I mouthed thank you to Harry and Slughorn began to ask other people questions.
"Miss. Granger your parents are muggles. What do they do?" slughorn asked Hermione looked up.
"They are dentists." she stuttered everyone turned and looked at Hermione confused.
"Is that a dangerous profession?" slughorn asked Hermione quickly shook her head
"No... although one time a boy did bite my father." she said with a small laugh but then was quiet when she realized no one was laughing. The door slowly opened and in walked Ginny her eyes red from although crying.
"Sorry I'm late..." she said as she walked over to the table Harry stood up and looked at her. I turned to Reilly and we smiled at each other.Ginny and Harry sat down I have Harry a smirk.
"What?" he asked
~1 hour later Paige's dorm~
I was quietly reading when my owl Echo that Sirius got me came swooping in. She sat in my bed and dropped a letter. I stroked her and gave her a treat before opening my letter.

Dear Paige,
Hey love! please tell me when the next Hogesmeade trip is because I always love seeing you...

Fred wrote about the store and how George is going insane before finishing the letter.
Paige can't wait to see you at Christmas. Will you be staying at the flat or Burrow? Love you but must go.
Lots of Love
I smiled and replied telling him the next Hogesmeade trip and that I will be staying with his and George at the flat. I wish Christmas was now but still have one month I have no idea how I will survive.

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