Chapter 11

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~Paige's Pov~
Ginny left which meant Fred and I were snuggled up on the couch. Fred kissed my head, I tilted my head up and brought my lips to his.
"I love you Fred."
"I love you too Paige." I knew he meant it but I couldn't help but wonder are we too young?
"Penny for your thoughts?" Fred asked me
"I don't think they are worth that much."
"Come on tell me." he begged
"Okay. are we too young?" Fred turned and looked at me
"Too young for what?"
"To be in love?" Fred grabbed my hand.
"No. Age is just a number. Love is the feeling that you would do anything for this person, be anything and Paige that is how I feel for you." the tears prickling in my eyes fell down my cheeks he grabbed my cheeks and pulled my lips to his. When I am with him the world stops, all I want is him, always.
"Paige! I'm here!" My friend called through the flat Fred shot me a look
"We have company?" Fred asked I nodded my head and went to greet my friend.
"Paige!" we ran into each others arms. Kassandra is a muggle who I know from my aunt and uncles she lived on my street and was my best friend although she knew about magic because of her younger brother. Kassandra is 23 which is a huge age leap but who cares. Fred walked into the room and looked at Kassandra and I like we were insane.
"Oh Fred this is Kassandra, Kassandra this is my boyfriend Fred."
"Nice to meet you." Fred said
"Ooooh Paige you have a boyfriend! Jelly!" Kassandra yelled again Feed looked at her like she was insane.
"Love you should invite one of your brothers over like Charlie isn't he in town?" I asked Fred. He looked at me with a smirk he knew I was trying to set up Kassandra and Charlie.
"I will owl him." Fred said before leaving the room. Kassandra looked at me and smiled.
"He's cute!" she said
"I know right!"
"So who is this Charlie?"
"Charlie is One of Fred's older brothers he is total cutie and he is your age!" I said
"Ooooh Mama likey!" she said with a huge grin plastered on her face.
"Charlie said he will come over in an hour." Fred said wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Great! I should clean..." I frowned at the thought
"I'll help!" Kassandra offered I shot her a smile. I walked to the kitchen with Kassandra. Kassandra pulled out her IPod and switched on one of the greatest songs ever! Sing by Ed Sheeran! We danced and cleaned to the song and when we finished we moved to the next room and played the next song. Having Kassandra here is awesome!

"Paige! Kassandra! Charlie's here!" Fred called Kassandra grabbed my hand and pulled me out of Fred and my room and into the sitting room.

"Hello I'm Charlie." Charllie said to Kassandra I already met Charlie this summer when he and Bill came to the shop that is when Bill met Fleur they are now happily dating!

"Hey I'm Kassandra." she politley shook his hand but by the looks in both their eyes I saw Love. Good job match maker Paige!

~Kassandra's Pov~

I'm in love! I can't describe it but just his eyes is all it needs for me to fall.


Hey guys I am so sorry I haven't updated you probably hate me and hate my book, but I have been going through a lot including death of a friend of mine. I hope you guys liked this part I know it is short and I apoligize. So on the side is Charlie and Kassandra! Kassandra is also based of my best friend Kassandra so yeah! Thanks for reading!


Emma Glenn

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