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     "W-What?! How did you even find me in the first place?"

     King immediately jumped up, his back still against the tree while vigorously hugging his pillow. Ban just eyed him.

     "Heyy, who do take me for, pipskeak?" He shrugged, nonchalantly and smiled evily, as King would say. "It was pretty easy to find you here, y'know." It wasn't easy, he lied. Ban chuckled to himself and walked long, big strokes towards King, the fairy's only reaction of staring him down and hovering to his level with a deathly stare. He looked away.

     "Maybe I HID because I didn't want to be found." King glared at him when he emphasized 'hid', clearly stating he is not in need of company. Of course, Ban could care less, and was inches away from Kings face.

     "I dont even know why you want to find me, go back to the tavern-"
     "Did you at least like it?"

     "Hah?" King stared at him with a confused look, his pillow covering half of his face so you could only see his eyes. Bans expression didnt change. A neutral look.

     "I'm asking if you liked it." His red eyes, dark as blood and evil as demons, stared King down. It intimidated him, just a little bit. Kings expression relaxed, though, genuinely confused by his question. "What are you talking about? Liked what?" Ban only smirked at him, and inched closer to his face. You could tell King greatly disliked that, but he didnt try to move away for some odd reason. He only glared at him.

     "I'm truly hurt, should I remind you?" Ban pushed the pillow down so he could see his face, and caressed his cheek so softly. Brown, short hair, big eyes, and such an innocent look. I want to gobble you whole.

     Of course, Kings face immediately went red and he regained his common sense as he pushed him away, looking away being extremely flustered. "What do you think you're doing?! I'm-" He hesitated, sadness laced in him. "I'm not Elaine! You can't just casually flirt with me, you airhead!"

     King was right. He wasnt Elaine, and she isnt coming back. Bans heart only hurt, for a second, missing her. But as a person. Not as a lover. He tried a more gentler approach with him, and as he got closer again, despite Kings shaking hands, Ban quickly held him tight in a hug. King flinched in response, a little overwhelmed to do anything, really.

     "Shh, just relax, I know you're not her. Shes.. gone. So just chill and accept my damn hug." His tone, aggressive but his actions, gentle. The lustful Ban was replaced with a soft one, a more considerate one. In all honesty, he didnt know why he was doing all this ruckus. Hell, he doesnt know why he wanted to find King in the first place. But, sometimes your body knows better than your mind.

     "Ugh.. what are you even doing here.." It didnt sound like it was meant for Ban, but mostly for himself. Reluctantly, King sighed and hugged him back, patting his back. "What's the point, anyway? You know you're going to gain nothing from me, right?"

     Out of nowhere, Ban picked him up and carried him princess style, gripping him tightly while King gasped and processed the situation. "What- let me down!" Kings baby hands tried to push him away, but (sadly, according to King) Bans grip was deathly tight, and didnt move an inch. He tried to think of an excuse to let him down. "You'll- You'll crush my wings! So itll be a good idea to let me down." He demanded. Ban only laughed at this raging baby.

     "Aww cmonn, you're taking out all the fun of coming back all princess-style, just relaax~" The thoughts of everyone watching him come back all huddled up on Bans arms basically freaked him out. How embarrassing! I cant! "Cmon, Ban, everyone's going to say strange things to me if they ever see me like this." Kings fight basically left him at this point, the only thing he could do was cover his face in shame and embarrassment, and cover up the fact that his face was the same color of a tomato. Ban knew that fact very well, though.

     "Whaat? I'll just tell them you broke your leg or some crap, no big deal." Ban wasnt lying, he could care less about what everyone thought. "WHAT- That doesnt even make sense, I can still fly!" "Ah. Right." Ban hummed to himself and smiled, totally ignorant of the situation at hand. King dissapointedly stared at him.

     Ban looked at him and smirked widely, which- in all honesty- startled King. "If you want to get down so badly, why dont you just fly away then?" King took a second to processes the question, and gasped in embarrassment. Needless to say, his flustered face only got worse.

     "I- what do-"

     "BAN, KING! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you!" A faraway yelling Diane was smiling and waving at them.

     King gasped, and smiled innocently like a kid, waving back. "Hi, Diane! Sorry, I was in the forest."

     Ban had lost his chance, and scoffed at this realization.

Yo I have no idea where this is going, I have like a rough plot on my mind but I have no idea lmao, yolo right?

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