My Feelings

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"Kiing~ Where are ya? I'm not gon' bite ya~" Ban hummed as he walked around the forest, high alert as he listened to his senses, trying to find the sneaky fairy.

He wasnt sure why King would go out and hide in here again, or why he even escaped, but the thought of someone else finding him alone and vulnerable made him feel... strange. A despair kind of feeling deep inside his stomach, which turned into a growl. It was odd.

As he was thinking to himself, he heard the slightest crack of a tree branch. Stopping in his tracks, he put his attention to the direction of the noise and lightly smirked.

"Found ya~"


"Its the same kind of face whenever you're in love."

"Love?" Gowther asked. "No offense Gowther, but I'm not sure you're the best one to know about love." The human-sized giant smiled apologetically as he nodded in agreement.

"Well, you're not wrong there, Diane." Meliodas spoke up while leaning on his chair. "Dont you think it's been odd Bans been spending lotsa time with him lately?" He added as Diane gave a thoughtful hum. "I havent really thought about it that way." She shrugs. "I dont think they look strange!"

The dragon-sin stood up with a stretch and smiled. "Yknow, they dont look half-bad together!" As he started walking to the taverns door, he faced back to a contemplating Diane and an expressionless Gowther. "Dont cha think?" And with that, he left as the doors slammed shut, leaving the remaining two in their thoughts inside.

"Ban and... King?" Diane looked unruly, like shes heard something devastating. Gowther shrugged. "According to my calculations of relationships, man and man are not common." He stated as a matter of a fact. "But it is not completely impossible." "Yea, yea." She waved it off. Ban and King? Together? She laughed inside her head, taking that idea as silly.

"I doubt it! Maybe Ban, but King? I dont think hes ever shown any signs showing he likes Ban." Gowther looked at her.

"What?" She asked, confused. The pink haired male shook his head, dismissing the idea. "It is nothing. I only thought Kings heartbeat increased as his body temperature rose whenever Ban was near, but that could have been my miscalculation."


"Found ya~" Bans voice rumbled through the forest, making the small fairy squeak in, almost fear, of getting caught. Again.

These tree branches! Getting in the way... King internally cringed to himself as he accepted the fact that, although hes small and can fly, he is no way silent. The whole reason of why he left was coming back to find him. Literally!

King was cowardly hiding behind a tree, trying his best to stay hidden as he could sense the male near him.

"Boo!" "AHH--!" And just like that, Bans grinning face appeared right in front of him as Kings startled self fell to the ground in surprise. "You scared me!" He panted, trying to catch his breathe as Ban laughed. "Guess I'm a natural." He stated as he picked up the small fairy up like a toddler. King only responded in an annoyed huff.

"Let me down, I'm not your personal teddy bear..." Ban took the chance, taking a second or two observing him. King just turned his head away. "Where'd your fight go?" "When I realized theres no way to overpower you without my chastiefol." He spat back. The tall male only chuckled in response as he put him down on the ground. He sighed in relief. "Finally, thank--"

"Nope, not yet, m' not done." Ban said as he sat down against a tree and pulled King along with him. He squeaked in response and landed on top of him, saddling him.

"Wha--" As soon as King realized this position, his face immediately burned up, and pushed against his chest to sit up, but Ban retaliated by grabbing his hips and locking his grip, cancelling any movement he tried to make to escape.

"H-Hey! What's wrong with you?!" His squeaky voice rang out as Ban hummed in response. "Dunno." "Huh?" King looked at him confused as he stopped squirming around.

Ban leaned into King and rested his head against him, breathing calmly.

"What's... gotten into you..." You could tell King was trying to not stutter, or show any kind of nervousness. Can I count that as a sign?

"Whatya mean what's gotten into me? Cant I hug my friend?" Just saying the word 'friend' pained him as he pulled tighter into the hug. The small fairy just kept staring at the back of his neck, the blush on his face not disappearing, but instead making his heart race faster.

"I--I mean, I guess but this level of affection is..." Kings hand twitched as he raised them, inching in to comfort Ban.

"Disgusting?" He raised his head and looked at his. Ban tried to smile, but he has this look in his face which was just overwhelming with sadness and fear.

"What? No, no of course not!" A little shocked that he heard that word come out of his mouth explaining the current situation, King cupped his face gently and shook his head, really denying the word disgusting.

"Its just... strange! But not a weird kind of strange! Well, I mean it's very strange but for some reason I dont feel disgusted at all, I just feel comfortable! But-- But not like--" Ban laughed as he covered Kings mouth with his hand, instantly shutting him up. "You talk a lot." Ban replied as he straightened up, removing his hand.

"N' I'm glad! Dont ya think it gives me a chance?" King gave him a questioning look. "A chance..?"

Ban inched his face closer to Kings. Instead of a whole battle, he slightly moved back mainly in surprise. Ban smiled to himself due to that fact. As if he finally tamed him.


Ban leaned in far enough and kissed him. But this time was genuine, and filled with love rather than lust and impatience, or the struggling of King.

He held Kings face with his hand, as Kings hand tightened, holding Bans neck. They broke the kiss as they looked at each other with a new kind of gaze.

Ban chuckled to himself. "So dann funny how a small guy like you stole my heart."

King froze as his heart skipped a beat. "I dont know what you..." He couldnt get out that last part, but Ban understood him perfectly fine. He stared right into his eyes, with a new kind of stare that cant be explained with words.

"I really like you, King."

LMAO CONFESSION TIME?? Idk, it's been 7 chapters, ig that's long enough 🙄
Also, WOW, i updated it earlier than usual, hooray :D
I have an idea of what happens next, but i dont want to end this too early, so I'm still thinking of stuff to add. So ya, that's it, bye bye

BLOOPER: When I was writing the kiss scene at the end, I forgot that they already kissed and so I was like oh shit, I guess there goes my chance to use a first kiss scenario 💀

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