A Quick Chat

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     "Hi diane!" Kings baby-voice rung out as Ban lightened his grip and let King off. It seems that she has taken her pill to shrink her to human size, which might've been a good thing, otherwise she might have passed them.

     "So, what happened out here? Did you guys fight?" She asked curiously, slightly tilting her head like a puppy as King chuckled and walked to her, Ban not far behind him. "Ah-- no, not at all. We just, had a quick chat." She stared at King for a while, humming in curiosity and slowly leaning towards a confused King. "W-Whats the matter?" His eyes looked away from her gaze, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. Ban simply kept observing.

     She all of a sudden regained her posture and smiled at him, exchanging glances with Ban as if to say 'Theres something you arent telling me'

     "Nothing! I'm just wondering why he was carrying you like that, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." King jerked his attention to her and tried hard to keep himself together. He weakly laughed it off and avoided eye contact with her, giving a death stare to Ban, but alas, the arrogant lad rolled his eyes and tried not to smirk, which silently infuriated King more. You could feel the hatred leaking all over his face. "A-Ahaha, oh yea, I've forgotten about that, he was being a jerk." Emphasizing the word 'jerk'

     "Well, alright, if you say so! Oh, by the way, Captain wanted me to tell both of you guys to come back quickly, it looks like he has something planned." King looked at her and nodded, "Alright lets--"

     "Not so fast, pipsqueak." Ban had gotten a hold of Kings hoodie, jerking him back and preventing him to move any more. He turned to look to Diane with a smile, but his eyes told a different story. Staring at her, like it was a warning.

     "You can go on ahead without us, Diane. I gotta finish talking to him real quick." King gasped at this lie and tried to lunge at him. Of course, he was no match, as he struggled to even get a hold of him. "We ALREADY--" "Look at'em! He cant even wait for it." King growled in response, as Diane looked at both of them and smiled, a small giggle escaping her mouth.

     "Well, I'll be going first, then! I'll meet you guys back at the Boar Hat. Make sure to not be too late!" Diane gave an unnerving glance to Ban, as he returned it as well, and she went to start going her way. Right at the last moment, she gave King a quick glance, and bid farewell as she dissapeared out of the forest.

     Silence took over the both of them for a short while.

     "Ahh, that takes care of that." Ban had let go of King and stretched widely, yawning as the small fairy stared daggers at him. He chuckled at this. "Calm down already, will ya? I didn't even do anything wrong this time~" King lightly scoffed at this and hovered to Bans level. "You lied about 'finishing our talk', why did you even do that for? We could have gone with Diane!" The small fairy protested.

     Ban crossed his arms nonchalantly and stared at him for a few seconds, King-- taking that as a challenge-- and stared him back down. The fox sin smirked, sending chills down Kings spine.

     "I wasn't lying when I said we had to finish it. I just have to do one more thing to do." King looked at him with a puzzled look. Thing? We aren't talking?

    Ban took the lead and grabbed Kings shoulders firmly and closed in on the distance between their faces, being a little too close to him as he let out a small squeak. The only response he gave was a tired-of-your-crap frown. "What is it now?"

     Bans response was to stare directly into his eyes, not skipping a beat as his mesmerizing, ruby red eyes faced him down. King couldn't help but look away, his face gradually burning up as Ban caressed his cheek, as if they were lovers. To Kings surprise, Ban himself looked confused when he spared him a glance. It's as if the fox sin himself doesn't quite know why he's doing this as well.

     While King was paralyzed with confusion and no will to fight back, Ban let go of the fairy and took a step back, huffing while crossing his arms and observing him. "Damn.. I must be going crazy" King configured himself as he looked at him. "Pardon?" Ban snapped back to reality and smirked, giving the fairy a head pat, which greatly insulted the great King, as no one would give such a childish headpat to him. "I just said you definitely have a cute face when you're flustered, havent you noticed?~"

     Almost perfectly, this flustered the poor fairy as his face brightened up with just the statement. Ban could almost hear his own heart thumping faster. How exhilarating. "The fairy just keeps getting cuter..."

     "H--Huh?" King looked up at him with such a soft and flustered look, Ban couldnt help but to cover his mouth to prevent himself from smiling and looked away. "Want me to say it again or what?" "Nope! N--No, I'm uh, I'm pretty good," King paused, his face a nervous wreck as he shook his head to calm himself and started hovering away to the direction of the Boar Hat. "Anyway, we have to go back, otherwise they might think something is up." Ban stared at him while he hovered away, a hidden desire resurfacing as he chuckled to himself and started following him. "What if I want them to think something is up?" Ban said calmly. King threw a small rock at him, not so calmly.

     Ban caught the rock midair and tossed it back to the ground, laughing. "'M just joking, chill" "You better be." King mumbled to himself.


     "Ah, there it is!" King looked back to the yawning Ban as he pointed to the tavern, a happy look on his face as King made his chastiefol float back to him and happily hugged it.

     "Hey guys, glad both of you are back!" A familiar but annoying voice ring out from the tavern as Captian waved at them through a window from inside the building. King and Ban quickly exchanged glances and both hurried off inside.

     Meliodas and Escanor were on the bar counter while everyone else-- except Gowther, who was absent-- were sitting down, facing towards Merlin who was looking at both Ban and King.

     "Don't worry, we just had a quick talk." Ban could read Merlins face as he responded. She only lightly sighed. "That's exactly why I'm worried," She gave a glance to King, who only responded with a confused look. "But that is none of my business. The reason why Ive gathered all of you here is because I have a request to ask. As such, I will pay back with a request you can ask me." Everyone quietly listened.

     Meliodas's voice loudly rung out, making it clear he was excited for whatever this was.

     "And I made it into a game. Whoever can find a sparkly, turquoise and shiny rock first, wins!"

     And so it started.

Yall, okay so I kind of have an idea of where this is leading too, but if you have recommendations, then like, 👀
Cuz sis if I do more thinking this bouta feel like I'm in English class

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