The Prize

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     "No! No way in anything I'm going out wearing that!" King stared at the unseemingly cat-maid outfit with fear while Ban was having a laughing fit.

     "Why not?! It'll be a perfect fit for you!" Ban grinned in amusement as King pouted, looking at Merlin for help.

     She also slightly smirked, which King did not take well.

     "Cmon!~ Theres nothing wrong with that outfit~" The greedy blue-haired man snatched the outfit out of Merlins hand and tightly held onto Kings shoulder, dragging him to their shared room. "No way! No way, I cant! Why would I wear this?!" A struggling King asked as Ban basically dragged him to their room and sat him down on the bed. "Because I won! Dont I at least get my prize?~" He (shamefully) pouted. King could feel his heart skip a beat. A pouting Ban? No way that isnt cute...

     "U-Ugh... just get out, I dont want you here while I'm changing." Almost like a puppy, Ban lightened up and smiled, leaving the outfit next to him and making his way out the room while whistling a tune. "Good luck~" Were his final words as he shut the door close, the sound of the clacking of his shoes fading away to silence. King sat there in utter disbelief as he cringed to himself, eyebrow twitching from embarrassment and anger. The nerve of him!

     He peeked to the outfit, staring daggers to the ears. He didnt actually have to wear this, right? But then again, he feared something worse if he didnt do it.

     Shivering in this so called fear, he grabbed the outfit and held it high, observing it with a not so pleasant look. Just wear it and get it over with.

     While a grinning Ban waited downstairs, Merlin took this chance to take her leave. After all, it wasnt like Ban was glaring at her with an expression saying 'hes my view, not yours'.

     "Leaving so soon?" He asked, picking at his teeth and looking at her. She paused at the front door, and glanced back.

     "I hope you dont regret this, Ban." Her golden eyes were as cold as the night, the sound of insects chirping far in the distance. It was oddly silent, and oddly intense.

     Ban scoffed. He tore away from the gaze and rather put his attention to the floor. "Theres nothing to regret, so I dunno what you're talking about." She took a couple of seconds to observe him, and sighed. The front door opened, and then closed, leaving him alone with his thoughts.


     What was that? King, who couldnt help but to be curious, was hiding behind a wall and peeking into the main room as Merlin left. Although he couldnt hear anything from, what looked to be, conversation, he didnt need to know what they said in order to read the room. Looks like it was serious...?

     The mood inside the tavern definitely changed, but that still didnt sway the red-faced fairy as he hovered with his brand new cat-maid outfit. His face was flushed, his thoughts were spurred, and most of all, his embarrassment only seemed to rise.

     Almost as if this was a k-pop drama, (lol what) Ban lifted his gaze from the floor and spotted the well dressed fairy. In almost an instant, he was grinning like an idiot and made his way over to him, which made King let out a small peep from the fact that he'd been discovered.

     "What's this, I find? A peeping King?" Bans monstrous height made him loom over King, which he couldnt help but to hover lower to the ground. If you had a wild imagination, you would see Kings fake ears cower down. The fairy made a pouty face and looked away while Ban stared at his outfit. It wasnt half-bad. The proportions of the costume fit King almost exactly, and the ruffles would bounce up and down as King shuffled around. He could get used to this view. The small fairy noticed his stare and cleared his throat.

     "T-Thats not the focus, more importantly, what happened with you and Merlin?" He asked, glancing up at him. "It looked like it was really serious."

     Ban simply kept staring at him, which made Kings face flush more and more by the second. In the end, the tall guy grinned idiotically.

     "Nothing! We were just talking about her stone. Why, did you worry for me?~" He raised his hand and softly patted Kings head, which, quite frankly, made him a little confused. There was a trace of something unnerving of his voice. "W- Not at all! I can be a little curious..." He responded. King shook his head as if he was trying to get rid of something from his mind and hovered higher, so they were at the same height and poked Bans chest in retaliation.

     "And anyway, what's up with this outfit?" He asked theoretically, spreading his arms which signalled 'what is this', with a look on his face. "You sure you really want to see a fairy dressed up as a maid?" Ban smirked, and all of a sudden King wished he could take back his words. "Positive. What is there not to enjoy out of this?" Ban leaned toward and checked the back of the dress, tilting his head in curiosity as he slightly lifted the back of the dress. A gasp could be heard from King. "Now, isnt there a tail--"

     King, as he should, elbowed Ban on the back, causing him to cough from the sudden impact and stumble a bit. Ban glanced back at him, which the fairy didnt bother looking back at him. "Y-You idiot! What do you think you're doing?! Lifting up the dress from back there!" You could see Kings ear burn from the supposedly current blush on his face. Ban couldn't help but to snort, holding in his laughter.

     "Heyy, I didnt do 'nuthin bad! What, you hidin' something there?~" King flinched and slouched down. "No way! What would I even hide, anyway? You have a wild imagination, Ban." "Hah, I cant help it!"

     Ban regained his footing and walked towards King, and turned him around so they were forced to look at each other. Needless to say, Kings face did no mercy at trying to hide his feelings. His face was burning from embarrassment and his eyes slowly looked away. "Are we done here? I'd like to go back to my clothes."

     He couldnt stop staring at the small fairy. His orange and brown eyes were bright and full of life, and even though he was pouting at the moment, his face seemed soft and happy. Ban couldnt help but to think how different his life would be if King...

     He sighed, and rested his head on Kings shoulder, which made him flinch. "Ah.. um, Ban?" Even his voice is so...

     King softly nudged his shoulders, signaling him to get up, but he didnt bother. Although King couldnt see it, Ban was smiling softly. Probably out of the pity for himself.

     "King... I--"

     The taverns doors flew open and low and behold, there stood Diane, Meliodas and Gowther tagging along them. Needless to say, King turned into stone from the sheer fear of this situation and smacked Ban violently on the head. He lifted his head and groaned in pain as he glanced at the crew who just walked in.

     It was dead silent.

     Seeing King dressed up as a cat maid and a wild Ban cuddling(?) him was not the sight they were expecting to see while entering.

     Ban and Meliodas looked at each other for about two seconds before exchanging a thumbs-up. Ban was the first to speak. "Dont mind us, it's called cospl--"

     Without hesitation, King smacked the top of his head again.

     Diane's eyes seemed to sparkle as she spoke. "Oh my goodness..." she took a paused, deeply concerning King as to what she was about to say.

     "That costume really suits you!" "D-DIANE!" Alas, his embarrassment only grew.

LMAO what okay so ya enjoy this, hope it pleases your boys love needs or something lol. It is currently 1 in the night and I need sleep or I will pass out, alr, till next time 👋

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