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The growl of the impala came to a stop as the brothers pulled into the small diner, Sam and Dean were currently investigating a strange case. Overnight everyone in the hospital miraculously healed overnight with no explanation, people who couldn't walk could walk again, the poor suddenly had money ; not piles of it but enough to stay clothed and fed. Crops on farms that were previously failing due to drought started growing again and no one could explain any of it.

They hoped they could get some answers from some of the locals. They had already spoken to some of the people who were in hospital but they all had different answers. An angel, a goddess, a fairy, a witch. The one thing they all had in common was they all mentioned a woman.  The descriptions they gave were not helpful. The only details they got were that she was tall abs beautiful.

They were also hoping Cas would pop up, that he would be able to tell them what was happening. If it was an angel thing or not and wether they need to stop something or not.

When they entered the diner they saw it was busy, there were at least three tables full of people who looked to be homeless who were all receiving money from a tall, gorgeous, slender woman. She smiled at them as they walked past then confined with what she was doing.

Eventually the people at the tables began to leave with her ending up alone, she called over the waitress and ordered a cup of tea whilst she read the news paper.

"Strange isn't it?" She looked up to see the waitress with her tea talking to her. "All of this good stuff happening in our town all of a sudden"

"I suppose it it" she paused mulling over her words. "But it's a marvellous thing aswell. Good people receiving good fortune"

"Yes it's a wonderful thing" a smile made its way onto the waitress' face. "Must be a guardian angel, sent by the lord to look over us" 

she grimaced slightly at the name of god and angels, she didn't want to be reminded of them.

"A guardian angel." She smiled and took a sip of her tea "why yes it must be just that"  the waitress smiled and went over to the  table where the brothers were sitting.

Once she had finished her tea she stood up and placed the newspaper under her arm. She smiled at the waitress who had served her. "Thank you for serving us today"

She began to walk over to the exit, when at one of the tables she saw an angel sat  along with two men. She hoped the angel hadn't noticed her, unfortunately the hope was short lived, her and the angel made eye contact. The other two men seemed to notice this and looked over at her. She flashed them a brief smile before hurrying out and disappearing.

Sam and Dean looked at each other in confusion before looking back at cas. They had noticed the eye contact they held and the brief flash of fear and remorse in her eyes.

"Who the hell was that?" Dean asked gruffly, looking at cas.

"Was she an angel?" Sam questioned, when she left he saw her vanish, so she was obviously not human.

"We'll sort of she-" cas began to speak but was cut off by Dean.
"What do you mean sort of?"

"Well Dean, if you let me finish" he paused and Dean rolled his eyes but nodded for cas to continue. "She was Adams first wife, the first female, however her and Adam didn't really enjoy each other's company"

"They didn't enjoy each others company?" Dean repeated incredulously. "I'm sorry but if the only two people on earth were me and a woman that looked like that-"

"Dean." Sam warned. "Cas you were saying"

"Right she refused to be subservient instead being head-strong and doing as she pleased. She would not submit herself to him and when he demanded why she told him they were equals and both deserved the Same amount of respect"

"Okay and? She's not wrong" Dean interrupted again.

Cas glared at him before carrying on. "Well Adam demanded that she be punished for her disobedience however God loved her as his favourite creation so much he wouldn't punish her"

"This Adam guy sounds like a dick"

"Dean" Sam sighed.

Cas glared at Dean again. "Instead of punishing her he brought her up to heaven and made her an angel, well sort of an angel. She wasn't an angel but she wasn't not an angel. She didn't need a vessel. But she could have powers like an angel. She was his first daughter."

"Okay but how did she end up here?" Sam asked.

"Well she became close with the archangels and when lucifer rebelled she left. She went to earth and had been avoiding heaven ever since"

"So she rebelled too?" Sam asked.

"No, she just left. We believe she's been helping out humans as there have been several towns where this has happened, where we believe she has stayed"

"So what should we do? Leave her be and go back to sorting out this whole lucifer ordeal?" Dean asked.

"She could he useful to us in stopping lucifer, let's find her and talk. She could be a powerful ally."

The first woman | supernatural | book one of the goddess seriesWhere stories live. Discover now