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Dean wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up straight before leaving the building. With a deep breath and a stern look on his face he approached Bobby and castiel.

"He's gone. Lucifer won." He stated. The pair looked at him in sadness and shock, he looked over their faces for a second before he continued to tell them of the events that just occurred. They weren't going to look at him the same way when they found out what he said to Gen. "Genevieve's gone too. Not because she's dead or anything. I told her to go, because she's not been of any help and is mostly just getting in the way."

The pair looked at Dean with deep frowns on their faces, Bobby was going to say something but decided against it, Dean had just lost his brother, he didn't need a lecture right now.


Genevieve had gotten herself a motel room, and was currently watching the news and brainstorming ways
to rescue sam.

"Reports are flooding in – a 7.6 earthquake in Portland, 8.1 in Boston, more in Hong Kong, Berlin, and Tehran. The U.S.G.S. has no explanation but says to expect a six-figure death toll." The news reporter spoke, prompting Genevieve to turn it off.

"Dammit." She muttered. She looked at her page, it was mainly just scribbles, words like 'exorcism' and 'find dad so he can help' scrawled down in unintelligible handwriting. She groaned screwing it up and throwing it across the room.

She slammed her head against the desk, "I have to do this." She told herself, with no other ideas she settled into the first one she ever wrote down, 'train hard and kick arse.'

Quickly she got up from the her seat, she began to push the table to the corner of the room but stopped half way. "No, no." She muttered to herself before straightening up and pushing her hands out, using her powers to push it across the room. "Like that." She nodded.

She grabbed the hair tie from her wrist and used it to put her hair up and shoved on some sweats, sighing to herself when she noted that the top belonged to Dean. She thought about Dean, about the argument for a second. She wasn't sure why she thought what happened meant anything to him, he did it all the time. She knew that they could never be together, he was probably with that 'lisa woman' Sam spoke of.

But she shook it off, it wasn't about him, he didn't matter right now, it was about Sam and Lucifer.

She needed to learn to kick arse. And that's what she was going to do. Learn to kick arse.


It had been six hours since Genevieve had started her work out and she was absolutely exhausted, she had practiced her powers non-stop, she had push ups.

As she began to make herself a cup of tea her phone went off, Sam had bought her one a couple of days before they fought Lucifer and showed her how to use it. He was also shocked she hadn't gotten with modern technology, she told him she didn't need to 'get with it. She was a celestial being.' He disagreed.

She picked it up and saw a message from Bobby.

Lucifers gonna be at stull cemetery, I know what Dean said but he's an idiot, we're gonna need all the help we can get.

She sighed putting her phone down. Well now she knew where he was. She had to go save Sam. But before then, she had to clean up the motel room, she had used her powers to throw the bed, just to test if she could do it, she could and now the room was pretty much destroyed.

Okay guys, this is pretty much just a filler chapter.

Don't worry I'm not gonna take a three month hiatus again, I'm gonna start posting more regularly. I can't wait for her to fight Lucifer.

Love you guys and thank you for all the support! <3

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