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The howling and snarling got louder as they got closer, the gravelly growls sending shivers up Genevieve's spine. Quickly she pulled out her angel blade, she would just teleport them out of there but because Sam put her through torture she was almost out of energy and didn't have enough power to get the three of them away. She could've just got her self out of there but these boys were important, not just to the fate of the universe but also to her.

As Dean went to grab the salt, the window breaks as the hellhounds got through, hearing the shatter Genevieve turned to see what happened.

She hated hellhounds, she truly thought they were some of the most hideous creatures ever made.

Dean began to fire shotgun rounds, as Genevieve began attempting to kill one who came at her with her angel blade, chaos ensued. "Sammy!" Dean yelled.

"Salt?" Sam question before letting out a groan as one of the hellhounds pounced at him, quickly Genevieve ran over to him stabbing the hellhound with her angel blade, killing it.

"Thanks Geni." He pushed him self up.

"Genevieve." She stated firmly, before going back to fighting the other hellhounds. He looked over at Dean who just shook his head at him as if to say 'not the right time.'

"Damn it, get me out of here!" Brady yelled. Genevieve had honestly forgotten about him, he wasn't that important to her, in all honesty she would rather Sam would of killed him earlier, he wasn't really all that useful.

"Shut up!" The three of them snapped.

"Great. Just great." The demon sighed, but the hunters and celestial just ignored him, continuing to fight the hellhounds trying not to die. If she was at her full strength Genevieve probably would have found it quite easy to kill the hell hounds, but due to the earlier incident she was pretty much useless. Which she hated. But she would still give it her all.

"Hey!" Crowley appeared out of thin air with a hellhound at his side, currently Genevieve was fighting a rather large one who was nearly besting her.

"You're back?" Dean was shocked.

"I'm invested. Currently." He replied, the hellhound let out a bark. "Stay!"

"You can control them?" Dean asked curiously not paying attention to the hellhound who had now knocked Genevieve over.

She hated hellhounds. They were ugly, the had a foul stench and they were just overly aggressive, and now she was pinned under one. She was pushing on it and attempting to escape but it was was not relenting.

"Not that one." Crowley points behind Dean, Dean turned to see Genevieve wrestling with something invisible. "I brought my own." Crowley pats the hellhound beside him "Mine's bigger. Sic him, boy!"

The hellhound growled and pounced on the one that was nearly murdered Genevieve, quickly she got up and scurried over to the boys.

"Thanks." She muttered, Crowley smirked at her.

"Go, go go go" Dean ushered them all out as the hellhounds inside fought.

As they all exited the house Crowley turned to Genevieve. "I'll wager $1,000 my pup wins."
She didn't answer just speeding up and going over to where Sam and Dean were, they headed into an abandoned alleyway near by.

"Let me handle him." Crowley murmured as he strutted past the three of them and over to Brady. As he gave him a threatening glare and began talking to the demon,Sam looked at Genevieve.

"Geni- Genevieve." He sighed. " I'm sorry I-"

"It's fine." She cut him off, not even looking at him. Dean raised his eyebrows at hair, before giving Sam a look that said 'you're in deep shit.'

Genevieve turned back over to watch the exchange between Crowley and Brady, she was being petty but she was pissed. Sam looked at his brother for help but Dean just shook his head, he didn't agree with what Sam did and he needed Genevieve on their side. They really didn't need another powerful being pissed at them at the moment.

"Yeah. I'm sure pestilence will be there. Thanks." The demon handed Crowley a piece of paper.

"What do you think?" Dean asked as he stood next to Gen.

"It's good. You got no reason to lie, have you? Like I said before, you're in my boat now." Crowley twisted the paper between his fingers.

"You've screwed me --for eternity."

"Yeah, he's Crowley. It's what he does." Genevieve crosses her arms over her chest.

Crowley pointed at her smirking. "She's right, but it Won't last that long. Trust me." Crowley began to walk further down the alley, towards Dean who was pouring a salt line.

"Where are you going" Brady asked.

"I'm going to do you a favor." Before looking at Sam "I expect we'll be in touch."

Before closing the salt line Dean allowed Crowley to pass. "What is this?" Brady demanded.

"All those angels, all those demons, all those sons of bitches --They just don't get it, do they, Sammy?" Dean looked at his brother, Genevieve was slightly offended but she knew they were right.

"No, they don't, Dean." Sam conformed

"You see, Brady...We're the ones you should be afraid of." Dean glared at the demon, he was right and although she hated to admit it she was slightly scared of what they might do to her if they needed to, if he was desperate Dean would do anything to save his brother and so would Sam even if it meant killing her. She knew that.

Sam approaches Brady with Ruby's knife. " I bet this is a real moment for you, big boy. Gonna make you feel all better?" The demon mocked.

"It's a start." Sam replied getting closer, Brady was starting to worry now. Panic flowing through him he began to spew random words.

"Gonna make up for all the times that we yanked your chain --Yellow eyes, Ruby, me? But it wasn't all our fault, was it?" He paused for a second as if waiting for Sam to answer, but all the anger was building inside Sam he couldn't wait to kill this son of a bitch. Genevieve watched form beside Dean, she saw the anger in Sam, and she knew, that this anger, was what was going to help stop Lucifer. Although it was scary, it was good. He was strong.

"No, no, no, no. You're the one who trusted us. You're the one who let us into your life, let us whisper in your ear over and over and over again. Ever wonder why that is, Sammy? Ever wonder why we were so in your blind spot?" Brady continued to mock, he was agitating Dean now, he didn't like the way he was talking to his little brother but he knew that Sam could handle himself.

"Maybe it's because we got the same stuff in our veins and, deep down, you know you're just like us."Beginning to feel brave again Brady lunges at Sam, big mistake. Sam thrust out the blade cutting him. "Aaah!" He called out in Pain. "maybe you hate us so much because you hate what you see every time you look in the mirror. You ever think of that?!" He began laughing "maybe the only difference between you and a demon...is your hell is right here."

Sam stabbed Brady in the stomach, Again and again and again, until Brady died. "Interesting theory." He stated before walking out he alley, past Dean and Genevieve, not even acknowledging them.

Genevieve stared at where Brady's body lied, she hated it she knew he was a demon but the sight of human death made her cringe all she wanted to do was go and heal him, but he was Dead and she knew that.

"Gen." Dean placed a hand on her shoulder, "we need to go."

"Yeah. We do." She sighed, "let's go"



I know this chapter was a bit shorter but I've kind of been busy with online school!

I am going to start a regular schedule maybe posting every other day or something like that! I'll get back to you all when I know!

Please remember to vote and give feedback!

Thank you for reading

With love,

Amber ❤️✨🍄😊

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