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The TV comes down and we all go to our seats "you knows this an epic Heroic smack event when they called in Sharkboy" the news lady says we all cheer "earlier today Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths landing on the beach of South Padre Island" The new man says.

Moments later Lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano, Guppy puts her arms in the air and yells "go Sharkboy and Lavagirl, She's from the Earth's core and here is Mayor Doolittle at today's ribbon cutting ceremony for his new city hall rebuilt after the last time the Heroics went into action" the woman continues.

"Did you see that? Of course you didn't that means it's none other than Blinding Fast the fastest Heroic on the planet" she continued
"go dad" Slo-Mo cheered.

"And here comes Crashing Low" the woman says as Crashing Low flies into the building "and there goes the Mayors new building in recorded time" The man says as we all cheer "these battles are insanely expensive for the taxpayers but so entertaining" the woman says.

"pass the popcorn the battles going epic" Wildcard says to Slo-mo as he picks up the popcorn and Wildcard looks at his watch and he grabs a the popcorn and some of it spills we share the popcorn.

"We're getting some live footage now" the man says, we all see a giant alien thing behind the reporter and Miracle guy flies with all the other Heroics behind him and Ms.Vox singing.

"He's not supposed to be there" Missy says as she spots her dad.

The big alien opens up and sets smaller aliens and one of them attacks Miracle Guy "OMG" the woman exclaimed.

"No way no one's ever taken down Miracle Guy" Noodles says, one of the aliens has taken Sharkboy and Guppy gasps as another takes Miracle guy.

"Oh no I'm just getting some terrible news and it's almost unimaginable but two of our heroes has been captured by these intruders" The woman says.

"I thought the Heroics were unbeatable" Guppy says sadly "they are unbeatable it's not over yet" Wheels says.

"It looks like our heroes are fighting amongst themselves again" Rewind and Fast Forward's parents were arguing until they were both taken "Mom!" Rewind yells "Dad!" Fast Forward yells.

Crashing Low flies straight into an alien crushing it and Face Maker yells "go dad!" but Crashing Low gets taken from behind.

Rewind rewinds the tv and Fast Forward winds it forward and "I want to see it again" Rewind says.

"And I don't want to see it again" Fast Forward says.

"And here comes Mrs.Vox to the rescue, she'll get those aliens singing a different tune" the woman says.

We see Mrs.Vox using her voice to push the aliens away until she gets taken A Capella gasps and the woman says "they took Mrs.Vox."

Lavagirl floats with lava under her and shoots lava at the aliens when it hits Tech-No and get's taken by the aliens as the man says "they got Tech-No" Wildcard gasps then they take Lavagirl and Guppy gasps and puts her head down on the desk as the woman says "and there goes Lavagirl, what is happening our heroes are dropping like flies."

"Here comes Diego Hargreeves let's see if he can defeat the aliens" the man says as I see my dad throwing knives at the aliens "I don't think just knives are gonna work" I told myself and I watch him get taken away and sigh as Wildcard comforts me which made me look at him confused because he never does that.

We see Blinding Fast going around the alien "they won't get Blinding Fast, not him he's to-" Wheels says cut off as we see Blinding Fast get taken and Slo-mo gasps as a tear falls down his cheek.

"it's all up to Marcus Moreno now" The man says an alien smashes his jetpack and he landed on a building with the aliens surrounding him. Missy's bracelet beeps she stands up and talks to it "Dad?, Dad we had a deal."

"I know, I promised I wouldn't be a hero anymore...but I'm still the leader of the heroics" he said taking out two sword from behind him "Dad? Dad! Run! get out of there" Missy yells into the bracelet "and a good leader,leads by example" he said "Dad!" Missy yells louder into her bracelet "I'm sorry honey" those were the last words he said before jumping into the aliens as they take him away

Missy cries as she sat down "this is unbelievable, unimaginable" the woman says "Ladies and gentlemen, the heroics have fallen" the man continues as I throw a knife at the dart board and bringing it back.

"Ok let's put the knife down" Wildcard says grabbing the knife and putting it on the desk.

"Don't touch me you piece of trash" I said getting the knife and pushing Wildcard's hand off of me "Jeez! just trying to help" Wildcard says.

"We are getting word that the president would like to dress the nation" the woman continues.

"People of America, as you have witnessed the heroics have been captured, Military forces are stepping in mobilizing to bring our heroes back, but while it looks rather hopeless, it's bad it- it's hopelessly bad" the president says.

"How did this guy get to be president, he can't even put two sentences together" Face Maker says.

"We have received a message from the supreme commander of the aliens that has been decoded it reads 'we are from the planet Ogima unfortunately we have no choice but to prepare you for takeover please comply or else Earth will be destroyed you have three hours' I'm afraid that was the entire message, there are no heroes left, god save us all" the president continues as the TV turns off.

A couple of seconds of silence later it turns back on and Ms. Granada is on the screen "children, for your own safety we're going into full lockdown no one leave your seats as long as you stay where you are, you are all safe" she says as the TV goes up.

"Yeah right. They can't protect us from that. We just saw it" Noodles says "got a better idea?" Wildcard says.

"We should probably do what Ms. Granada says" Guppy says.

"Uh pardon me bu-" Missy gets cut off by Face Maker "the last look on my dad's face will haunt me forever" he says as he recreates the face his dad did.

"What do they want from us?" A Capella says "do you think our parents are ok?" Rewaind says.

"Uh excuse me?" Missy says "what?" Wildcard says "we need to leave this room right now" Missy says standing up "why?" Guppy asked "because the aliens know where we are we're next" Missy answers "how could you know that?" I asked crossing my arms

Missy walks over to Ojo "can I borrow this for a minutes" She asks Ojo taking her ipad and walks to the front of the room "Ojo drew these, Face Maker standing on top of floating chairs, Noodles smashing the exercise ball" Missy says swiping through the drawings "she draws what she sees big deal" Wildcard says "she drew these things 5 minutes before they happened, Ojo's superpower isn't that she can draw, she can draw the future" Missy continues

"Ok cool, good for Ojo" Wildcard says "what's your point?" I continue "she also drew these aliens creatures breaking into this very room, there" Missy says swiping the drawing and pointing to the vent.


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