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My vision was blurry I could barely see anything. All I focused on was the head ache that I was having then everything went black.

All of us were running when we heard someone fall and grunting, we turned around and saw Mind on the ground, We all ran over to see if she was ok "Mind are you okay" I shook her.

Then there was a blue light surrounding her. We started to back up then all of a sudden we heard a thud and the blue light disappeared, Mind passed out.

"We have to continue running" Missy exclaimed, I picked up Mind and we all started running again.

Miracle Guy bangs his head to the wall multiple times then leans his back on the wall "how long has it been this bad?" Anita asked "you should've come to me" "you?" Marcus asked "yup" Anita replied "Hm, don't you remember what your generation was like when we took over?" Marcus asked "good point" Anita responded "Mhm" Marcus hummed "well I guess it's up to the kids, the next generation is always more powerful more..."

"Evolved?" Marcus finishes "I got it" Techno said "what? You figured out a way out of here?" Miracle Guy asked "oh no, I figured out how to switch on these security monitors" Techno answered connecting two wires together "surprisingly intuitive."

We all look at him in disbelief "what? At least now we can watch something instead of sitting around yelling at each other" he adds, a second later some people pop up on the screen "wait what's this?" Techno asked.

"A Capella?" "Rewind?" "Fast Forward?" "Are those our children?" Lava Girl asked.

I walked up to the screen to get a closer look and all I saw were our kids and...


"Wheels how much time do we have?" Missy asked "Eighteen minutes" he answered "then we need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover" Missy explained "us? Are you nuts? We have to go for your parents and let them handle it" I said still carrying Mind in my arms.

"No there's no time for that by the time we get there they-" "No!" I cut her off and set Mind on the ground "I'm through listening to you, when I woke up this morning everything was perfect and then you come along and everything's a mess. If little Miss No powers is who you want as a leader fine follow straight into Alienville But Face Maker and I are gonna go get our parents" "we are?" Face Maker asked "yes Right now" I said grabbing Face Maker's shoulder and dragging him.

"Guys we have to stick together, Guys" Missy whisper yelled I had to leave Mind with them because I don't think she will be much help.

I sighed as I watched Face Maker and Wildcard leaving, Ojo looked at me "what can you do? Some people are just-"

"Forget him we need to get to the rocket so I can stop it before it launches" Wheels cut me off "how are you so sure you can do that?" I questioned "because everything the aliens build is super intuitive to use, almost like it was designed for children to operate" he replied "get me close and I'll turn it off."

"But what are we gonna do about Mind?" Fast forward asked "I guess we will have to wait till she wakes up, but until then someone will have to carry her" I explained "I guess I can carry her" Rewind said picking Mind off the ground.

"I don't understand, why did we split up?" Face Maker asked "How do you know our parents are this way?"

"Ok this is good" I ignored all the questions Face Maker was asking "what do you mean 'This is good'?" He asked again "are you questioning my authority?" I turned to him "Uh I don't even know what we're talking about" he answered acting all confused "really? The confused thing? That's what your going with?" I pushed him.

He pushed me back.

"Just as I expected" Granada said as she watched the two boys arguing on the screen "falling apart at it seams."

"We need to get that one" she points at Wildcard "he has so little control over his powers he's liable to bow us all up by accident let's go."

We were all walking try to find the door that lead to the room that had that pyramid thing "guys she's waking up" Rewind said.

We all stopped and turned to him and we saw Mind's eyes start opening "what happened?" she asked as Rewind sets her down, she looked around "where's Wild and Face Maker?" I went up to her and whispered to her.

After Missy told me everything I remembered "oh ok" I responded "well let's go." We all ran again and found the door that Missy told me about "that it there!" Wheels said "we're gonna make it after all~" A Capella sang down a spin, we all stopped when we saw two men standing at the door blocking the way "no we're not" I sang very off-key and with a raspy voice.

We tried to run back but more guards were blocking us.


MIND ; wildcard *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now