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"Help him out" Missy said as we all grab the pole he's holding he let's go of it and hangs on from the window, Missy and Rewind grab his hand that's on the window. Rewind gives Noodles a thumbs up and Noodles comes back in the tram and Face Maker makes a face at the guards.

"Well, that was a disaster" Wildcard says "that was awesome" Rewind said "I'm so exhausted" Noodles said all of a sudden the tram starts going up and down.

"Guy *gasps* I'm running *gasps* out of *gasps*" A Capella says "breath we get it" Wildcard said standing up "what do we do" Face Maker asks "don't look at me...I'm done" Noodles said as his arms flop.

"We need to find a place to hide" Wheels says "the heroics are all locked in the alien ship" Fast Forward says "not all of them" Missy says "you know this how?" Wildcard asks.

Missy as she walks over to Wheels and motions for A Capella to come over "do you think you can get us over to here?" Missy points to Wheels tablet A Capella nods and the tram goes down again "ok! ok! ok!"Missy says.

"What's over there that's so important?" Wildcard asks grabbing onto the pole "Well you see my-" Missy get's cut off by the tram going down I fell on the floor as the others fell on the chairs or floor.

"Okay this is bad, this is really really bad" Wheels says "Five to one says we die a fiery death" Face Maker say to Noodles "you're on" he replies.

"You can do it A Capella" as we all cheer for her "come on a little more" Wheels says, suddenly A Capella stops and coughs "does anyone have a lozenge" she says pointing to her throat, Guppy face palms.

"Hang on!" Missy yells as we all grab onto something and scream as the tram falls landing on someone's backyard and an old lady comes out of the house and screams.

"My begonias!, get out of my flower bed you little termites!" the lady yells "Hi Abuelita" Missy says "ah! Ah! Missy come and say hello to your grandma" Missy's grandma said as we all got out of the tram running up to her.

"No way, Missy your grandmother's Anita Moreno?" Noodles asks "the trainer of the heroics?" Rewind asks "she's a legend" Face Maker says "No, you have to be dead to be a legend, honey" Anita says hugging Missy "I'm alive and well, which is more than I can say for my gazebo, hmmm?" she continues "sorry" A Capella apologized.

"We're in trouble grandma and need a place to hide" Missy says "to hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more then that" Anita says "that thing is moving into position" she continues pointing to the Alien in the sky.

"She's right, we only have two hours left, won't be long till the take over begins" Wheels said "everybody get inside come,come...come" Anita said leading us inside and giving the Alien a dirty look.

We all got inside and sad down in chairs as Anita pours some lemonade and talks about how we can use our powers to defend the Aliens "but we're children" Rewind says "yes, the children of the heroics" Anita says handing out more lemonade "if anyone is gonna save the world,it's you, because all of you have super powers" Anita continues.

"Super lame powers" Face Maker says "speak for yourself" Wildcard turns to Face Maker "ok Johnny Random" Me and Rewind said "hmm...this is no way to be a super team" Anita says shaking her head.

"Abuelita is right, Aliens are about to invade and if we want to rescue our parents and save the planet, we're gonna need to do it now" Missy said standing up "are you saying that...we can be superheroes" A Capella said.

MIND ; wildcard *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now