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"Sparrow! Do you have your laptop?" My mom calls from the kitchen.

I sigh as I shove my laptop in my bag with everything else that lives in there. My bag is already heavy but I bet the school will give us more stuff to carry.

"Yeah I got it," I tell her as I walk into the kitchen and put my empty bowl in the dishwasher.

"Are you excited for you're first day?" My mom smiles as she wraps up breakfast and puts in the fridge.

"Nervous," I say plainly as I grab my phone and headphone and stuff them into my back pocket.

My mom stops and looks at me.

"It'll be fine. Come on, take deep breaths with me," She tells me as she begins to breath in.

I breath in with her and then breath out with her.
We continue our deep breathing for a couple of minutes before she reopens her eyes and smiles at me.

"It'll be okay. If it gets too bad you can call me to take you home early," My mom tells me as she hands me my lunch.

I smile. We had discussed this the night before. If I got too overwhelmed I could come home. I'm glad I have that option.

"Babe! You ready!" My moms shouts as I slip on my black combat boots.

For the past two years I've tried to tone down my fashion style on the first day of school, that way I would have a better chance at making friends. I still have barely any friends so clearly that doesn't work.
This year I decided I'm just going to be myself.

My outfit consists of a black turtle neck and that squeezes my body perfectly, a chained necklace rests against my chest. A pair of black ripped jeans cover my legs and I wrapped a black and white checkered shirt around my waist.
My combat boots have a three inch heel which makes me about 5'4.
My makeup consists of black lipstick and black winged eyeliner.
I put some cuffed earring on and then a bunch of rings on my fingers.
If I was going to a new school I was at least going to wear clothes that make me feel more comfortable.

"Is my hair frizzy?" I ask my mom as I brush it off of my shoulders.

"Not too bad," my mom tells me.

I shrug, I could care less. My hair is such a pain to deal with. It takes over an hour to brush out the curls.

My hair is a dark brown that most people mistake for black so it fits my aesthetic perfectly.

"Okay. Are we ready?" My dad asks as he comes around the corner.

I nod.

"You look great," my dad smiles.

I smile back at him. My dads been extremely supportive of my fashion style and my music choices. My mom doesn't mind it but some times she thinks it's over the top. She keeps telling me that kids will probably be scared of me but at this point I don't really care. I haven't been able to make much friends here in this state anyways so I'm not going to change my style just to make people more comfortable.

My dad opens the garage door for me and I thank him as I walk over to our car and hop into the back seat.
Right as I close my car door the other one opens and my brother hops into the back seat with me.

"Hey," I smile at him. He's the best sibling I could have ever asked for.

"Hi," he smiles.

"Are you ready for school?" I ask him.

He just shrugs and I nod.

Both of my parents get into the car and my mom open up the garage.
My mom drives the car out of the driveway and down the road to my high school.

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