New Hope - Chapter Thirty

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"All alone with Hajime, huh... I can't stand being in the same room as you."

"Don't worry, I'm leaving. You should focus on curing that crappy disease of yours."

"Yeah, hurry up and go away. I don't want to see your face anymore."


Where was he? What's going on?

"What are you doing? Hurry up and go away. I don't want to see your face anymore."


"... no."

"What do you mean no? I hate you Hajime! You hear me? I hate-"

Hajime walked up to Nagito - Nagito with no knife in his hand, no metal arm, and no long red nails. The Nagito from Jabberwock Island.

And he hugged him.

"H - Hajime? What are you doing? I want you to stop what you're doing!" The Nagito in a blue hospital gown yelled, not moving an inch.

"For someone protesting, you aren't fighting me at all." Hajime said, with a soft smile.

"Why are you even here? I hate you, I don't want you to be here!"

"I know what you really mean, Nagito. I remember your disease means that you always lie when you speak. I'm here because... because..."

Hajime trailed off.

"I... I'm not sure..."

"Ha! I'm not worried about you at all, Hajime! Do not tell me if you're okay or not, because I don't care."

"I know." Hajime replied, not letting go. He started twiddling the loose strands of Nagito's hair with his fingers while he spoke, watching Nagito lean into his embrace. The heat started to feel quite uncomfortable, but Hajime refused to let go.

"Stay here."

"What?" Hajime asked, confused.

"If you remain here, you'll be completely healthy. So I want you to stay here."

"Oh..." Hajime realised, remembering that the despair disease is contagious. "I won't come down with the despair disease. I... I don't think I'm... from here."

"... I completely understand." Nagito replied, making Hajime sigh, and step out of Nagito's embrace.

"I was with you - from the... the future? Then I freaked out and... and woke up here, saying those words from earlier to you. I felt really faint and collapsed... I think? And then I woke up here..."

"Future...?" Nagito asked. Hajime nodded.

"I do not want to know - who the traitor is!" Nagito... asked?

"Well I do know who the traitor is but... I'm not sure I should tell you, Nagito... I don't know if this is some weird dream, or if I did somehow go back in time, or... I'm not sure?"

"I'm sure you want to go back anyway." Nagito interrupted Hajime's rambling.

"W - What? You doubt I want to return? Why?"

"Because this definitely does not sound like a case of a self-induced coma."

"Self-induced... coma?"

"Wrong! And if you really did fall into a self-induced coma, which I doubt - then there would obviously not be a good reason for you doing it in the first place!"

"Huh..." Hajime muttered, figuring out what Nagito meant. "The reason would've been... because of Izuru. Because of me, and who I harmed in the past. My... my guilt and lack of love is what caused me to be here."

"HAJIME!" A voice shouted. Nagito and Hajime glanced around but saw no one.

"Who... was that?" Hajime asked.

"I know!" Nagito replied.

"You do? Who - oh wait." Hajime responded, realising that Nagito was still lying.

"Hajime, no, no, y - you can't die! I... I still have so much to tell you! I... I LOVE YOU, HAJIME! PLEASE... please... come back..."

"N - Nagito... That's Nagito!" Hajime shouted, a faint blush coating his cheeks. "The Nagito from where I'm from!"

The despair ridden Nagito glanced at Hajime and noticed the light blush on Hajime's face.

"You... and me?" He said, his face turning red. Hajime glanced at him, his own face turning redder.

"Y - Yeah. We - well, me and the other Nagito - we're dating." As Hajime continued to speak, he began to feel happier. Cared about. Loved. "Nagito - he, well you are, is, I uhh... Anyway, Nagito is the kindest person I've ever known. He puts his life on the line for me, he's the only person I've been able to rely on. I trust him with my life."

"Well... that Nagito seems very happy right now..." Despair Nagito comments.

"You're right... he's upset because... because I'm here... and not with him..." Hajime muttered, realising what Nagito had been trying to tell him this entire time.

Tears fell down Hajime's face, as he smiled softly, a warm blush on his cheeks.

"I... I'm loved!"

Nagito smiled in return, taking Hajime's hands in his, as Nagito, and the room they were both in, began to break apart.

And Hajime began to wake up.

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter.

I honestly at some point wanna write a short fic dedicated to the despair disease, it's such an interesting concept. Anyway, I just... kinda ran with it, it's a dream simulation coma thing, it doesn't have to make too much sense. I just tried to enjoy myself haha, I hope it shows!

Next chapter will be Hajime waking up - there's only two chapters left! Ooooh I'm already missing it D:

This time tomorrow, the story will be concluded! Wow, that's a thought, huh?

Anyways, see you all again soon!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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