New Hope - Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hajime sat down on the roof of their main building, feet dangling off the edge, a small glass of orange juice in his hand, watching the sun begin to rise.

He sighed, taking a small sip from his glass, and placing it next to him. As the peaceful glow of the sun's rays began to wash over him, he relaxed a bit more, and began to cheerfully swing his legs.

"Hajime?" His boyfriend sat down next to him, a small bagel in a bandaged hand - presumably the robotic hand prototype - and bit into the soft bread as Hajime leaned on his shoulder.

"Morning, Nagito."

For a few minutes there was silence.

"The sun is beautiful, isn't it?" Nagito whispered. Hajime grinned, deciding to turn on his 'charm'.

"Not as beautiful as you."

Nagito blushed. "H - Haji-!"

Before Nagito could protest and talk in a self-depreciative manner, Hajime shut him up with a kiss. It was short, sweet, and a moment that would last forever.

"So..." Hajime adjusted his position on the rooftop and turned more towards Nagito. "How's Chiaki?"

"She's doing okay, remembering more every day. In a couple more weeks she should be completely uploaded into the Ultimate Despair, and then will be able to come back like she used to."

Hajime smiled. "That's good, I missed her a lot. I would say we could play some Mario Party together sometime, but with Chiaki being the Ultimate Gamer, and you having Ultimate Luck, I wouldn't stand a chance!" He laughed, and Nagito watched him fondly, cheeks continuing to burn.

Hajime's laughter quietened down, and he stood up, expression turning serious.

"Nagito, I wanted to talk to you about something - and I guess now is a better time than any..."

"W - What is it, Hajime?" Nagito stood up as well, an extremely concerned expression on his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..."

He trailed off and took a deep breath. "When we were apart - both when you were in the Chamber and when I was in that weird coma... they were the worst times of my life - because you weren't in them."


"I just... I want you to know that you are the most important person in the world to me. You're more important than Chiaki, more important than Izuru - more important than my sanity and morality. Nagito - I'd kill for you."

"Hajime...!" Nagito felt overwhelmed. No one had ever made such a large, passionate declaration to him before. "That's... you care about me so much..."

Nagito turned away. "But what if I hurt you with my Ultimate Luck?"

"You won't." Hajime spun Nagito back around. "You could never hurt me through your luck, it wouldn't be something you could control."

Before Nagito could continue to stammer his way through more worries, Hajime once again shut him up with his mouth. The kiss was a bit longer than before, and this time Nagito's arms curled around Hajime's neck, while Hajime held Nagito around the waist.

Hajime eventually broke the kiss and leaned his head against Nagito's shoulder, their arms around each other. "Being with you has been the happiest times of my life. You couldn't make me give that up, even if you really wanted me to."

"I would never want to split us apart, Hajime!" Nagito quickly comforted Hajime, rubbing small circles on Hajime's back.

Nagito wasn't entirely sure Hajime believed him though, and so he pulled himself away from Hajime, and made Hajime look at him in the eyes.

"Listen, Hajime. My life used to revolve around my talent, my luck, my hope. I hoped in a better future, I future I could live in, with people I care about - and that luck has come true. Y - You're my new hope, Hajime. You're the reason I can live happily, why I get up in the mornings, why I eat, why I sleep. My existence revolves around yours. While I still love hope, it's not my focus anymore - you are. Hajime, you're my focus. You're my hope."

Hajime gasped slightly. "I... Nagito... that's..." Hajime wiped his eyes, which were now glossy. "I.... I keep doubting myself, my worth, whether I deserve all this after what I've done. Whether I deserve you." Nagito opened his mouth to speak, but Hajime covered it with his hand. "I doubt it every day. But you're always here for me anyway. You're my light, my guide, my new belief."

Hajime blinked tears out from his eyes, stepping forward and pulling Nagito's head down slightly with the hand that was previously covering Nagito's mouth so Hajime could kiss him again.

"And your mine, Nagito. You're my new hope."

Hi again! I know it may be a bit cheesy, but that's the ending I'm going with. I really hope you enjoyed reading this fanfiction, it's probably been my all time favourite one over the (almost) three years I've been writing here. I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

And hey! If you're sad about the story being over, I'm actually writing ANOTHER komahina fanfiction right now! It's called Let me Love You. It currently has six chapters? They're normally a bit longer than these chapters (I try to aim for three pages worth). I would leave a link here but it doesn't seem to allow me to do that. So if you'd like to read it, you should be able to find it on my profile page on Wattpad. I'll also try to add a comment here linking the story there.

It's a high school AU, so everyone's in Hope's Peak Academy, but there's no Monokuma so no despair! It's not entirely canon, but there's still Ultimates and stuff XD

(From the future): There's also now a Saiouma fanfiction I'm writing now too, called The Final Truth. I'll leave a link in the comments, same as the other story! It's basically after the events of trial five, and Shuichi finds Kokichi's diary. If you do decide to check either of these stories out then I really hope you enjoy them!

Anyways, I guess... this is the end of the book. Wow, this feels so weird to type XD

Thank you all for reading New Hope. Your support has meant so much to me.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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