Chapter 47

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Reyna's p.o.v

As soon as we made it back to camp, Jonah passed out. Daniel and Corbyn managed to catch them before he hit the floor. My eyes widened with concern since I've grown very fond of him since joining the quest. The boys took him to the infirmary, Will following close behind them.

Naturally I accompanied them, hoping nothing was terribly wrong. They placed him on a bed, flopping down beside him, I took his hand. Rubbing my hand across the back of it.

"Whats wrong with him?" I asked as Will looked him over, hauling out the ambrosia and nectar.

"I think he just crashed from using too much of Apollos power that he's been gifted. Like how Nico gets extremely tired after shadow travelling too much," he explains which makes total sense. Jonah had been channelling alot of power in the fight.

"I feel like I've been hit by a freight train," Jonah mumbles trying to sit up. Will helps him and soon he's propped against the pillows.

"You used alot of power back there," Will repeats handing over the ambrosia and nectar which Jonah gladly eats. He makes sure Jonah is sorted before heading off to the big house with Corbyn and Daniel.

It was quiet for sometime. Neither of us speaking as we were enjoying the comfortable silence. It was nice to actually sit down for the first time in forever. Fighting giant battles really takes a toll on the body, especially without proper rest.

"Now that all this commotion is dealt with. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date, and if you'd be my girlfriend?" He asks making my head jump.

"I'd love to go on a date with you and be your girlfriend," I state with a giggle. I've had terrible luck with boys in the past but this time the guy I really like is single. It's nice to be happy for a change....

Dominique's p.o.v

We were all standing on the porch, minus Jonah and Reyna who were at the infirmary. Reese went inside with Jason, Nico and Will to explain how everything went down. Now that we were back, it was time for things to calm down.

"Mind if I show you around camp?" Corbyn asks standing next to me.

Smiling I gazed up at him "That would be lovely," he grabbed my hand and we began our walk.

He showed me all the beautiful cabins then we walked along the beach. The water was soothing as it lapped against the sand.

"I was feeling some weird things during the battle, but it was only when you were in trouble," he says and I knew this moment was coming. We sat down in the sand and I told him everything.

"It's because you're my soulmate. Everything that I feel, you're also able to feel and vise versa. That's what comes with being part veela but it's nothing you have to be afraid of," I explained feeling him grab my hand which made me smile.

"I'm not afraid of you Dominique. It's quite the opposite actually, I really like you," he says leaning in. I felt my heart flutter as our lips touched.

The kiss was gentle and sweet. His lips were so soft and fitted perfectly with mine. It didn't last long but our smiles were huge as we watched the sun set over the water. I couldn't be more happier.....

Nataliya's p.o.v

I was waiting for Reese to come back out after retelling our triumphs to Chiron, when Jack came over. The biggest smile on his face.

"I want you to come meet Lavender," he says taking my hand, pulling me along.

For some reason I felt extremely nervous. Like I have a huge crush on him and now he's taking me to see his little girl. I know shes not going to judge me or anything like that, but I couldn't help my nerves.

However the feeling of his hand entwined with mine did ease them slightly. His hand was soft but there were a few callouses from all the fighting he'd done over the last few weeks. They fit perfectly together, even if it does sound cheesy when I think about it.

We ended up in front of the Apollo cabin, in the distance I saw Meg happily planting away in front of our cabin with our sister Marissa. I was glad that she was back in her element. Hopefully she'll be able to rest after all the stress she's been through.

Sitting on the porch was Jack's youngest sister Isla and in her lap was Lavender who was watching a pegasus flying over the sound. She was fascinated by it as she clapped her littles hands together. An adorable giggle escaping her lips.

"Jack!!" Isla yells as we made our way over to where she sat.

She picked up her niece then engulfed her big brother into a bear hug, careful not to squish Lavender. As she pulled away I noticed the happy tears trickling down her face as her smile brightened.

"It's great to see you too, Isla," he says with just as big of a smile, "You remember Nataliya right? My girlfriend," as he said that I blushed. I can't believe he just called me that.

"Yeah, it's lovely to see you in person. I love your hair," she says, picking up a lock that escaped my braid.

"Dada," Lavender says reaching towards her dad, which was cute. Her curly hair was just precious, along with her big chocolate eyes. The same eyes that I feel in love with.

Jack took his daughter planting a kiss on her forehead "Hey baby girl. Look how big you are," he gushed before she snuggled into him.

"Lav, this is Dada's girlfriend Nataliya," he introduces us and her eyes locked onto mine.

"Nat! Nat!" She coos with the biggest smile then made grabby hands towards me. Jack passed her over, once in my arms I sat down and began bouncing her on my knee.

She giggled, enjoying her little ride. After a few minutes of this my leg grew tired which caused the bouncing to stop. Once my leg stopped moving she scooted closer to me and snuggled into my chest. Playing with the end of my braid. In the end she feel asleep all cuddled into me, since I couldn't move I also fell asleep with a big smile on my face........

Hey everyone welcome to the last few chapters before the epilogue. The next one will be the last before it. Hopefully you all like that the couple's are being made official. Have a wonderful day, please stay safe out there and happy 2021.

Stay beautiful


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