Chapter 21

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Reese's POV

I woke up from the nap Daniel and I had just taken. I look up to see him smiling down at me.

"You look beautiful even when you snore" he says.

I slap his arm playfully and say "Shut up Ocean eyes"

"I think I like that nickname better than Giraffe, Carmel eyes. Also I have a question for you" he tells me. I nod my head for him to continue.

"Do you have a name or can I call you mine?" He asks me.

"Well, I wouldn't mind that Daniel." I say smiling.

"Well, then I guess we are dating now Reese Mendes." He says as he leans down to kiss me but then...

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE LOVEBIRDS!" Leo yells making us jump.

"Seriously Fire Boy?!" I tell him.

"Percy, isn't here so I have to make sure your keeping boundaries!" He says as the rest of our crew members join him.

"So Raniel is offical?" Zach says and I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

"Seriously? You came up with a ship name already?" Daniel says.

"Yes he did! But listen here buttercup, you hurt her I will turn your lovely face into a Bush! Understood?" Nataliya says and then everyone started with their threats

"I will burn your precious guitar and your butt personally if you hurt her!" Leo says.

Then Reyna comes over to him and says "Remember my mom is a war goddess and I can destroy your face and hurt you very seriously if you hurt her"

"I swear I will punish you by throwing lightening at you and beat you up with no doubt in my mind!" Jason says.

Nico comes up to him and says " I will have my allies hunt you for the rest your life" as Daniel nods his head looking scared. When he thought it was over the Weasley kids, Teddy Albus, Lily, and Scorpios came in all of them pointing their wands at him. I mean that is a scary sight especially since they were a big family.

"Look here, Angel Voice, we had no mercy on James when he hurt her so don't think that we are going to have mercy on you! You hurt Reese Pieces and we will all curse you! Understood?!" Teddy told him in a stern voice. Daniel nodded his head yes and I hel his hand as I told the group....

"Thanks for stick up for me but please don't scare him away"

"There not scaring me away, they are just protecting you. They have your back just like the guys and me do too" he says pushing my hair aside.

"You guys are too cute" Victorie says.

"But not cuter than us," Teddy says.

"Of course not" she answers him kissing his check.

"Get a room!" Corbyn yells causing Dominique to giggle, and she turns red when we all look at her direction.

"" she says flushing even more.

"Its a Veela thing. Don't ask" I say as she gives me a grateful smile.

All of a sudden we hear a voice and turn to see Percy and Annabeth in an Iris message.

"Hey, did you make it to England safe and are you guys okay?" Annabeth asks.

"Yes, we are here, safe and sound. The magical world really helps us camouflage and we are going to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Potter when they get home..." Jason was saying as Leo yells loud enough for the whole house to hear....


"Oh, pleas don't tell me she got back with...." he starts saying

"NOPE, SHE IS DATING ANGEL VOICE A.K.A. DANIEL SEAVEY" Leo says as I give him a death stare.

"What!? I swear you hurt her Giraffe, I will have evry sea monster after you!" Percy yells.

"And I will personally kick your ass!" Annabeth says.

"I think he gets it by now how far you will go. Annabeth please make sure New York isn't flooded?" I say cause them to laugh.

"Alright, we have to go, stay safe and remember to keep calm. Bye" Annabeth says as she ends the call.

We all head down to sit in the kitchen and for us demigods to brainstorm while the wizards and witches watched.

Corbyn's POV

"Well first we should review the seven sins that aided Pandora in her win." I say to the group.

"Which are  "pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth," Rose Weasley, Hermoine's and Ron's daughter says.

"That's right, only hope was left in there but what could represent them or what are we going with that" Reese says and I noticed the she had grabbed a glass of water and was now messing with it. Also Leo kept building machine parts and Nataliya was playing with seeds again.

"Maybe the giants are using an object that symbolizes a god or goddess but seven of the specifically. Think about it as if they weren't your parents, and try to match each sin to one of them. What I am smart!" Dominique says as most of her cousins just look at her as if she grew three heads.

I thought to myself "she's smart, beautand brave, oh, no am I developing a crush, well she is a Veela and I actually know what a Veela is so that's a bad idea"

"Well, my father equals envy, he has always envied his brothers" Nico says.

"Aphrodite is lust, she cares about beautiful and self to much" Domnique says.

"My grandfather is sloth, until recently Apollo never took responsibility for his actions" I say.

"My father would be pride" says Jason.

"Warth, that would be my father, he is always made or blaming someone else for his problems" Leo says.

"Greed would be my father, after all he always wanted to lead the gods and goddesses and kick out Zeus" Reese says.

"Gluttony will be Demeter" Nataliya says.

"So that's why we 10 where picked because each is represented by one of our parents. And Reyna is representing as Aphrodite's chosen one?" Jonah says.

"Who knows, my aunt and uncles aren't here until six. Meaning we still have 3 hours so, let's just relax from training and chill awhile. Also Nico, I need to talk to you" Reese says....

Authors Note
Hello hope your enjoying the story! I just want to say thank you so much for your support, we really do appreciate it! Also what is something you really want for Christmas since it's just around the corner now?!


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