Chapter 28

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Reese's p.o.v

It was nice seeing the boys so happy about seeing their families. They were glad they were alright and happily introduced us to everyone.

I'm glad they got to see them before we set off and things got even more messed up. But it made me miss Percy even more, he's supposed to go to university at Camp Jupiter with Annabeth, but now both of them are back into our crazy world.

I was also really worried about Nico, some many important people have been taken from him and he's suffered so much pain. As the boys said goodbye to their families I walked over to Nico. I'd already said goodbye to everyone in the Burrow, they wished us luck.

He was standing up on the ship, so I made my way up the ladder. Once on board I stood beside him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"We will do everything in our power to find them, I don't care if we have to crawl through Tartarus," I say as we looked at everyone on the ground.

"I know that Re, believe me I do. But it just seems we can never catch a break," he sighs fiddling with a ring on my finger, it turned into my sword when I took it off.

"Yeah I feel you. Sometimes I wish what it would be like to be mortal. Oblivious to this world, being able to live a normal life," I reply smiling at seeing how happy Daniel was as he talked to his mom. They didn't have much time before the iris message faded.

"It would be alot less dangerous, things wouldn't being trying to kill us all the time. It would be great," he exclaims shaking his black hair out of his eyes.

"Wouldn't that be nice," I state getting lost in the daydream of not being a demigod.

Although if I wasn't then I'd never met all the people that I care about the most. Some of whom were taken. I wanted everyone back as much as my quest friends did.

"I'm sure everyone will be fine, they are incredibly hard to kill. Especially Percy, the guys been to hell and back with as little as a scratch on him," he says trying to reasurre both of us.

"Yeah, hopefully Dominique has a clue on where we can find Annabeth. She's the first one we need to find, then there will be a clue on who to find next," I say as everyone began climbing up the ladder, meaning it was time of is to get on our way.

Once everyone was settled, Leo fired up the ship while Jason briefed Dominique on how things were going to run during this quest. You know, how everyone would protect her but she should have her wand on her at all times just in case. When we were high enough, where Nico and I wouldn't get blasted out of the sky. Leo put the ship on auto pilot and we began training.

Daniel's p.o.v

It felt great to see my family and in so glad the Reese set up the message for us. It was very sweet of her. I feel so bad for our quest friends because someone important was taken from them and this thing just sucks even more as we progress through it.

I was happy to train again since it gave us all something to do other than worry about how this quest was going to go. Kept our minds at ease, which was good for the demigods.

Jason was teaching me some cool sword moves when all of a sudden Dominique, who was watching us, gasped and held her head. Corbyn being the simp he is, rushed over to her making sure she wasn't hurt.

"Dominique are you alright?" Reese asks rushing over to her friend kneeling beside her since she dropped to the floor.

"Yeah I'm fine. I think we need to stop in Athens, that's where we'll find Annabeth and the other," she says rubbing her temples.

"So they're all scattered around Athens then, they be being kept in the old temples of the gods they represent," Nataliya says slinging a bow across her shoulders.

"So the objects that represent the sins will be with each person we find. Each demigod being like a GPS or coordinate marking the item," Jason says handing Dominique some aspirin and a glass of water.

"How'd you know we needed to go to Athens," Corbyn asked the half veela girl still worried about her.

"It was like a vision or something. Then a voice saying go to Athens," she says although she seemed very confused about all of this.

After the discussion we all went back to training while Leo programmed the ship to head for Athens. Now the only thing we needed to do was wait until we get there. Wish us luck.....

Ooh I can't wait for things to get more action packed. Have a lovely day.


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