Chapter 25

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*Harry POV

Ron, Hermoine, and I got off work as soon as we could to go talk to the girl we all loved as our one of our own and her friends.

When we first met Reese we all grew fond of her and once she had seen she could trust us she told us about the demigod world. I had read about Percy Jackson and his friends adventures but I never thought they were real. It was shocking but we all got over it soon because it was like our story, it seemed like fantasy but it was real.

When we arrived at the Burrow Molly told us the children were all in the living room. We walked in and one of the Why Don't We boys, Jonah I think, was hipper like a little child. He is a fan of ours, our children made sure to tell us all about them. I noticed a blue haired girl was messing with some seeds, which meant she was a child of Demeter. There was also a scrawny kid who was tearing apart and rebuilding little machine parts, a son of Hephaestus I supposed. Then I noticed Reese was messing with water from a cup, I knew she could do that since she was a child of Poseidon but it still amazes me. Finally I noticed two boys, a blond and a dark haired one glaring at James, meaning he did something to bother them already.

"What did you do now James Siruis Potter?" I ask him.

"Why do you assume I did something?" He snaps at me.

"Watch your tone with me young man. I assume you did because these two aren't glaring at you for no reason." I tell him sternly.

Before he could answer Rose said "he was being a little asshole. Challenging a child of Jupiter, a.k.a. Zeus Roman form, and a child of Hades? He better be glad he came out alive. Also btw James, you didn't impress Reese."

"James..." I say


"JAMES SIRUIS POTTER COME OVER HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT! I AM GOING TO WASH YOUR MOUTH WITH SOAP! WHAT KIND OF WAY IS THAT TO TALK TO YOUR FATHER. And Harry dear, he has been causing problem since they arrived but don't worry I will take care of him" Molly says yelling at him a lowering her voice to me.

James walks over to his grandmother defeated knowing he was going to get it from her. I hated being the bad guy but James had crossed so many lines since Reese ened it with him. I would never blame her because she did the right thing. We were all disappointed in James but some things happen for a reason and I hope she was happier.

"Well, let's get into business before dinner, shall we?" I tell the kids.

Reese's POV

After the little scene with James, Uncle Harry escorted the quest members to his office along with Aunt Hermoine, Uncle Ron, and Dominique  who had begged to come along.

"What can we be in assistance to you?" Aunt Hermoine asks.

"Well, we already figured out a probability on what could represent the sins" I tell her and she nods for me to continue but some else does instead.

"The object probably is something valuable to their parents something that will lure them to a monster. Each of their parents or grandparent in the boys case are the deadly sin according to the giant or monster. Meaning they will take someone the value or care about to lure the demigods into their trap. For example Demeter would represent gluttony, why? Well she is the goddess of the harvest but in the giants eyes, she keeps food for herself and her companions only. Zeus is pride, Apollo sloth...etcetera,.you get the point" Dominique finishes.

"Your right, I mean the horoxes were represented by something Voldemort found value in and were important to him. Such as Slytherins locket, because he was his ancestor." Uncle Harry says.

"Yeah but what could be something valuable to the gods?" I ask as an owl comes in a drops a letter on Daniel's feet.

Daniel's POV

I bend down to pick up the letter and saw it was addressed to Reese. I handed it to her and she read it. As soon as she was done reading it she went to the fountain Mr. Potter had in his office and did the Iris message thing. Chiron the appeared but he looked older and concerned.

"Hey, Chiron what's going on?" Reese asks him.

"Eight campers were kidnapped during patrol. I believe it has something to do with your quest" he answers her.

"Who and who was kidnapped?" I ask him.

"Well, Meg from the Demeter cabin, Jake from the Hephaestus cabin and the others are hard but I have to tell you" he starts saying as Nataliya and Leo let out gasps of shock.

"Chiron please it's okay we will be fine" Reese says.

Chiron takes a deep breath and says " Will from the Apollo cabin, Piper from the Aphrodite cabin, Hazel from the Hades cabin, Thalia from the Zeus cabin, Percy from the Posiden cabin and Annabeth from the Athena Cabin. I am terribly sorry but I have to go connect it to your quest" he finishes as the Iris message dissapeared.

I look at the faces around me and different emotions.

Nico looks as he is about to raise the dead or something. I completely understand why his boyfriend and sister are missing. Jason shaking with lightning, I mean the girl he loves and his sister were kidnapped. Reese looked like she was about to cry after hearing that her brother and his girlfriend had been kidnapped. I hugged her and then she says in a shake voice

"their children, their protectors and heroes are what they value the most."

Authors Note

Hello hopefully everyone is doing well and enjoying the story! We are trying to post 2 chapters a day but as you know we all are busy at times so we will try to do 2 a day but mostly it will probably be one a day. Also if you have any ideas or questions comment, don't be shy!!

- Season Greetings, Maria

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