Chapter 19: Bella Becomes Diana

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(A/N: Get some tissues, cuz you gonna be crying. 

One more chapter, and this era of fanfic writing will be over. I am so glad you all took this journey with me.) 

I used to want to save the world, this beautiful place. It's a land of beauty and wonder, worth cherishing in every way. But the closer you look, the closer you get, the more you see the great darkness lurking within.

After Daniel, I thought I'd never be happy again. He hadn't been the only thing I had lost that fateful day. I also lost hope. Hope for humanity. Edward had been the one to give that back to me.

When I first met Edward after spending almost seventy years in self imposed exile, I was afraid to open myself up to love again. But I did, and I am right back into that same place of helplessness, grief and despair that I had been in after Daniel's death.

But those feelings didn't linger long. I pushed them aside as I exploded, a half God hellbent on vengeance. In a burst of speed, I rushed toward the crowd, ripping newborns apart and throwing them into the fire as I went. I'd snapped their bodies like twigs, but it was nothing compared to what I was going to do to him.

The storm swirling inside me broke out in full force, breaking free in a tsunami of rage.

He saw me coming and grinned tauntingly as I swung at him, letting out a cry of fury and grief. He began to laugh.

He stood back up and bent over as the laughs overcame him. "Was that your mate?" he guffawed. "Well that's rather unfortunate."

I narrowed my eyes and and punched him clear across the clearing. I saw red as he got back up again.

As I watched him, I suddenly remembered the destruction Ares had caused and the horror of witnessing mankind destroy each other, the result of Ares poisoning their hearts with hate. And as I looked at my mate's killer, I felt a surge of powerful energy bubble to the surface as I glared at him. He cowered in fear as a light surrounded me and I felt myself lifting off the ground. I stayed up there, eyes closed as I focused on the energy surging through my body. I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking up at me in a mixture of awe, fear, grief and desperation. The Cullen's' faces were pained and full of sorrow, having watched their son and brother die. Zeus and Hades looked at me, astonished at the power I was displaying. I didn't bother to look at the others, I was focused on HIM.

His fear extinguished, he stood up straight, and snarled. "People look at me," he began as he stalked toward me, "and see a monster! Look around you!" He gestured around us, at the body parts of the newborns I'd ripped apart. And I was horrified.

"You did that. That was all you. Who's really the monster?"

"You tore my mate's head off!" I hissed, but there was no venom behind it. My heart was sinking. Could he be right?

"I'm no more a murderer than you are."

I gasped, and staggered back. I turned around and surveyed the damage behind me. All over the field were piles of limbs being burned. I stared into the same pile that Edward's remains were burning, and for a moment I started to believe he was right. I was a monster. After all, I didn't stop Edward's death. I didn't do anything.

I almost gave up right then and there. But then I remembered the words to that Rachel Plattern song Edward had introduced me to that I loved:

'And I don't really care if nobody else believes, 'cause I still got a lot of fight left in me.'

That was my truth: I still got fight left in me. Edward's death would not be in vain. And with that, I slowly turned back to the man, who must have sensed my resolve strengthen because he backed up.

"You're wrong." I say hoarsely. "You came after me, after my family. You killed my mate. If you think for one second I would take that sitting down you mistake me for a fool. And if you think that you're going to get away with it, then you have another thing coming."

"Your family." he scoffed. "They don't deserve your protection, or need it. They will all fall, right after you."

I narrowed my eyes. "It's not about what they deserve. It's about what you believe. And I believe in love."

With that, I leaped into the air and he followed suit, a loud boom filling the air as we collided.

We fell back to the Earth, rolling in separate directions. I stood up quickly, and with a sudden movement clanged my bracelets together. The energy released was powerful enough to separate his limbs from his body. I quickly gathered them all up and threw them into the flames.

It was over. The newborns have been vanquished. But it had came at a cost.

I stood to the side as I watched Esme fall to her knees as a cry of grief and pain fled her lips. Carlisle knelt by her side, eyes filled with venom tears that would never fall.

All I saw as I looked around me was complete and utter destruction. Destruction I feared I was responsible for.

But some good came out of it. The wolves had their heads bowed in respect. After today, vampires and werewolves would no longer be enemies.

The Amazons had taken a knee as custom demanded they do for a death that was not one of their own. The others watched on solemnly, sympathy and other emotions on their faces.

It was too much. I had to get out of here. So I turned my back and flew away, never to return.

When I was a safe distance away, I fell on my knees and surrendered myself to my pain.


I used to want to save the world. To end war and bring peace to all living creatures, human and non human, god and mortal. But now I know, I once again touched the darkness that lives in-between the light. Seen the worst of this world yet again, but I've also seen the best. Seen the terrible things humans, vampires, werewolves and others do to each other in the name of hatred... and the lengths they'll go to for love.

I know now. Only love can save the world. So I will stay, continue to fight the good fight. This is my mission forever.

Brushing the tears from my eyes, I stood up and faced the rising sun. A new day is dawning, a new era began.

And a new person born.

As of today, I am no longer Bella Swan.

I am Diana Prince.

I am Wonder Woman. 

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