Chapter 20: The Avenger Initiative

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(A/N: This is the final chapter!!!!! Thank you all for your patience, your kindness, and your time. This was 3 years in the making, but at last it is finished. 

I have a new project in mind. 

A while ago, I said I wanted to make a prequel called "The Amazonian Princess." I have decided to scrap that. Instead I have a sequel series in the works.

The HYDRA Chronicles will be a three part series-unless I decide to expand it-detailing Diana and her life with the Avengers as they fight HYDRA. I have already started writing it.

However, I still have some unfinished projects unrelated to this that I need to complete before I publish The HYDRA Chronicles. I don't know how long the other projects will last, but I will try to get them finished as soon as possible. 

So without further ado, here is chapter 20.) 

*New York City

*Avengers Tower

*1 year after Final Battle

The dark haired man made his way down the hall until he reached the kitchen, an empty coffee cup in his hand. He refilled his mug and turned around, stopping suddenly when he saw the tall black man across from him. With his eye patch and stern facial expression, he looked menacing.

"Fury. What a surprise. I didn't realize our doorbell was broken." The man grinned and took a sip of his coffee. Fury, used to his shenanigans just rolled his eyes.

"Can the bullshit, Stark. We have a problem." He dropped a file in front of the billionaire. On the cover was the SHIELD logo, large and recognizable. With a frown, Tony set down his coffee and flipped open the file.

Only thing in the file was pictures, images of a building almost completely demolished. Light fixtures were barely hanging onto the ceiling, their wires having been cut. The main thing that stuck up to Stark was the HYDRA symbol painted on the back wall.

Stark slowly looked up at Fury confused. "We had nothing to do with this."

"No you don't." the Director pulled out another file and dropped it in front of him. "But she does." He crossed his arms and watched Tony open the file.

Stark stared at the file's contents. Like the previous file, this file was only filled with images. Only this time, he saw images of the woman who caused the destruction. She was slim, black haired and very powerful from the looks of it. She was wearing a Greek-like uniform with a gold trim that ended in a blue skirt. On her right arm was a shield, but what really caught his attention was the rope she was swirling above her head. It didn't appear to be an ordinary rope, maybe a lasso of some kind. It was glowing gold.

As he flipped through the pictures, his curiosity peaked. Who was this woman? Where did she come from? He finished skimming the file and looked up at the director, awed.

"Who is she?"

"I was hoping you could tell me that, Stark. You seem to have the habit of knowing everything about everyone."

"If I knew, would we be having this conversation? She would've already been an Avenger by now if I knew who she was."

"Be that as it may, as of right now she's a vigilante. We know nothing about her or what she is capable of. We need to bring her in. We cannot have an unsupervised super human on the streets of New York."

"Is there a problem?" Both Fury and Tony turned around and saw Steve and Natasha walk in. They took in Fury and Tony's serious faces.

"Do we have a new mission?" Natasha asked, already readying her gun.

"More like a possible recruit." Fury handed both files over to the red head, who immediately flipped it open. Steve leaned over her shoulders and they both got lost in the images together. When they were finished, Natasha looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"Do we know anything about her?" she asked.

"Absolutely nothing." Fury pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "We don't know who she is or what all she can do. I do know is that we need to-"

"To what? Supervise her?" Tony cut in. He took a sip of coffee and put the mug back down. "She's not a child. It looks like she knows what she's doing. I say we meet with her to ask questions and leave her to it. If she stirs up trouble, then we bring her in."

"And how do we suppose we find her? In a database? SHIELD has looked through FBI,CIA, Interpol, we have nothing on her. Facial recognition won't pick her up anywhere."

Tony smirked. "That's because you don't have the right technology. Luckily for you, technology is my forte."

Fury rolled his eyes. "So how are you going to find her?"

*National Bank of New York City

Diana landed on the roof of the National Bank of New York City quietly. She crept forward until she reached the glass on the ceiling and looked down. There appeared to be a hostage situation. She saw two masked robbers pointing guns at a small group of civilians, while another two were holding the bank tellers at gunpoint. She didn't look close enough to realize they were no bank tellers.

Diana decided she had seen enough and she took action. Flying up, she shot herself straight down, crashing through the glass and landing on the soles of her feet.

The robbers turned around and let the bullets fly. She blocked them with her bracelet, and taking a hold of her lasso, she threw it around the two and flung them across the room. Turning to the other two robbers, she failed to notice the robbers she'd flung land on their feet expertly and hid in the shadows, watching, observing.

Diana raised her arms block the bullets and watched as if in slow motion more bullets fly by her. She realized with a sinking feeling that these were no ballistic bullets. She suddenly bent down and picked one up, noting the gunpower residue on her hands. She was too occupied to notice the firing had stopped, and the "civilians" exchange glances.

"Blanks." Diana whispered to herself. "These are blanks." She was frozen in place as she finally realized this was a setup.

She looked up and hidden on the second floor lurking in the shadows was the Winter Soldier. He was easily recognizable, with his long hair and metal arm, which was holding an automatic rifle. Time seemed to stand still as she turned away from him and saw another Avenger also keeping to the shadows but his arms held a bow and arrow, drawn and aimed in her direction.

Diana tensed, and spun slowly toward the civilians, who were really the other Avengers in disguise. Poor disguises, as she recognized them instantly. She saw Tony Stark, trying and failing miserably to remain incognito. She scanned over Natasha, Wanda, Steve, Sam and her eyes landed on another man, with short brownish hair with slight wrinkles around his face. She didn't recognize him, but she was sure he was also an Avenger.

She was completely surrounded so with a sigh, she relaxed and got out of fighting position. "You did it." she said. "You caught me."

"Impressive." A voice came from behind her. Diana turned around and came face to face with Director Nick Fury.

"It didn't take you long to figure it out." He held out his hand.

"Director Nick Fury, of SHIELD. I want to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative." 

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