Chapter 7: Victoria

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After kicking Jasper's ass, I took the party back to the Cullen's place. I grabbed Edward's hand and practically dragged him into his room for a much-needed discussion. I could tell just by looking at him that he wasn't taking the news that I was not who I said I was very well. He looked utterly crushed.

He wouldn't even look at me at first. We just sat there, neither one of us saying a word. Finally, the silence became more than I could bear.

"Say something please!" I begged Edward. He turned to me in a sudden fury.

"What is there to say?" he hissed. "That my girlfriend is not who she said she was? That she has been lying the whole time we've been together?"

"You know it's not like that." I told him, pleadingly. "I never meant to hurt you like this, Edward."

"But you did."

There was a silence. Then he sighed and wrapped his long arms around my waist.

"I wish you would have told me the truth from the beginning, instead of lying to me."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"I'm sorry, really I am." I told him, laying my head down on his chest.

"I forgive you," he murmured. "But I would like it if you would be honest with me in the future, okay?"

I nodded against his chest. We stayed that way until we heard a crash from downstairs. We both raced down the stairs only to find Alice in the middle of a vision, eyes blank, and a broken flower pot at her feet. All eyes were on her.

Suddenly, Edward growled loudly. The others turned to him.

"What is it, son?" Carlisle asked. "What is she seeing?"

Alice, coming out of the vision answered.
"Victoria is coming for Bella."

Zeus, who had been very quiet, spoke up. "Who is this Victoria and why is she coming for my daughter?"

I turned to him. "There was this vampire named James, and he attacked me in a ballet studio not too long ago. He was killed by Edward. Well, Victoria was his mate and apparently she wants revenge, you know, mate for a mate. She wants to kill me because Edward killed James."

He stared at me, appalled.

"How long do we have?" Carlisle asked Alice. Alice closed her eyes and concentrated. After a few moments, she opened them. "A few weeks, at most." She replied.

I pinched the bridge of my nose warily. I could feel my Amazonian blood boil with hatred for Victoria. I wanted it to be me to finish her off, not anybody else. As if he could read my thoughts, Edward pulled me closer, as if to restrain me.

"What do we do?" I whispered, worriedly.

"We fight." Jasper spoke up. I saw pain flash on Carlisle and Esme's faces. If anyone hated fighting, it was them.

"Isn't there another way?" Esme pleaded.

Edward shook his head. "Victoria isn't going to stop until Bella is dead. We have no other choice. We must fight. To protect Bella."

I scowled. As if she knew what I was thinking, Rosalie spoke up.
"Bella can take care of herself, Edward." She said, tossing her blonde locks, "You saw her fighting Jasper, I bet she could take Victoria on."

Edward growled at her. "Bella is not fighting Victoria and that's final!"

Rosalie glared at him. "Bella is more than capable of making her own damn decisions. Let her make them herself."

"Or let me speak for myself." I turned to Edward. "She's right, I can defend myself just fine."

"You are not fighting Victoria!" he retorted. "She's dangerous!"

"So is Jasper, and I fought him."

"That's different. He was holding back."

"Why are you being so difficult about this?"

"I'm just trying to protect you."

"I don't need protecting, I'm not a baby!"

"Enough!" Both Edward and I stopped, but still glared at each other.

"Arguing isn't helping anything." Carlisle continued.

I was getting infuriated with Edward for being this way. I was, like Rosalie said, capable of defending myself and making my own decisions. If only he could see that. 

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