Chapter 14: In Forks

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(A/N: there is no excuse for why I have not updated. Very sorry. Will try to update as soon as I can.) 

Edward POV

It has been three days since I've seen Bella. Hopefully, everything was going well for her.

Jasper had tried to contact the Denali's but they were still pissed about Laurent and were unwilling to help.

"What about the werewolves?" Emmett suggested. "Maybe they are willing to help us."

It was silent for a few moments.

"It's a long shot, but it wouldn't hurt to ask." Jasper said.

Carlisle, who was standing over by the window pulled out his phone and began dialing Sam's number. We all watched him make the call. After a few moments, he turned to all of us.

"Sam wants to meet us on the treaty line to discuss it." He pocketed his phone.

"When?" I asked, then went ahead and peaked into his mind. 'Tomorrow, at three.' He thought.

"Tomorrow, at three." He said out loud.

"Cool." Said Emmett, throwing himself on the couch. "I have time to kick Jasper's ass in Mario Cart."

"Language!" Esme scolded. I rolled my eyes. Emmett was such a child.

"Not if I kick it first, turd for brains!" Jasper caught the controller Emmett threw at him and settled himself on the couch. How could I forget Jasper was a child too?

The rest of us dispersed. Carlisle went to his office. Esme retired to her room. Alice and Rosalie sat at the kitchen table, doing their nails. I went to my piano and started playing Bella's Lullaby.

"Dude, I know you're missing Bella right now, but shut the fuck up with that piano!" Emmett's voice called out to me. I glared daggers at the back of his head. Before I could utter a retort, Esme's voice came down from her room.

"I hope that wasn't a swear I heard coming out of your mouth, Emmett McCarty Cullen!" I snickered at the buffoon sitting next to Jasper on the couch.

'Shut the hell up, Gayward.' Emmett thought to me. 'See what I did there, Eddie? Instead of Edward, I said Gayward. Because you're gay.'

"First off, I'm not gay. My name is not Gayward, and don't call me Eddie."

Jasper let out a laugh.

"Shut it, Jasper!" I growled, irritated.

"You need to relax, Edward." Jasper retorted.

"He needs to get laid." Emmett muttered.

Jasper let out a snort, then suddenly both were laughing loudly.

"You're both idiots." I told them, and walked outside, growling at them under my breath. They only laughed louder.

I sat down on the porch and sighed. I had tried to call Bella but was unable to reach her so I'm assuming Themyscira didn't have cell reception. I missed her so much. I longed to be by her side at this very moment. I'm hoping that wherever she is, that she's on her way back to me.

Bella POV

We were almost to the house. We had been traveling for over two days. They've asked me so many questions my throat was starting to get sore from answering them all.

"Forks is really beautiful, Diana." Philippus broke the silence, looking all around her. I smiled as we turned onto the drive from the highway. "I always thought it was too green for my liking." I shrugged, nonchalantly. 

"There's life everywhere. I can see why you picked this place to live." she wiped her brow as she walked.

After a mile, we saw the house. And sitting on the porch was my Edward. My heart skipped two beats as I stared at my Adonis. I couldn't control the happiness that sprang up deep within. I was home.

As we approached, Edward looked up, and we locked eyes. He stood up, his eyes sparkling with joy as he slowly walked toward me.

"Bella." he said like a scripture. I could've shouted hallelujah right then and there.

He gave a joyous laugh as he suddenly picked me up and spinned me around before putting me down. Our lips met in a ferocious battle as we embraced. When we pulled apart, we were both breathless.

"I've missed you so much, Edward."

He chuckled and brushed a strand of hair from my face. "You have no idea how much I missed you too."

"Forgive my intrusion, Diana, but who exactly is this man?" Phillipus asked, motioning toward Edward. "Is he one of the vampires we're here to destroy?" As she spoke, my fellow Amazons readied their weapons and pointed them at Edward, who raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"No, he's one of the good ones." I quickly said, and they lowered their weapons. "Remember, it's the red eyed vampires we're here for."

I grabbed Edward's hand. "Edward, this is Phillipus. She was my bodyguard on Themyscira. Phillipus, this is my companion, Edward."

"Companion." she tested the word on her tongue. "You are in a relationship with this vampire?"

I nod.

Edward smiled at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Phillipus." She gave him a stiff nod in return. He turned his attention to the others.

"There's quite a lot of you." he said to me. I shrugged. "They were the only ones-"


We all turned to the direction of the front door, where Emmett was standing with a dumbstruck expression on his face. He was staring at my fellow sisters, who had their weapons drawn in his direction.

"Emmett, what have I told you about your language?" Esme scolded, coming up from behind him. She stopped when she saw us all out in the front yard.

"Bella, you're home!" she exclaimed, rushing over to me. She threw her arms around me in a hug. I smiled and hugged her in return.

She soon released me and that's when she saw the others, who stared at her curiously. Esme opened her mouth to speak but someone beat her to it.


We turned and saw Jasper on the porch, eyes wide.


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