pasta cake

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It was nearly half-past eight when Stella decided to call Bo. It was clear that Blair would be coming home late that night, but forgot to send a "Save me some leftovers" text message. She tried not to let it get her down.

"Hey!" Bo's tone was cheerful.

"I ordered too much food and Blair bailed on me, want to have a late dinner?" Stella scanned the takeaway containers on the counter.

"I, um, already had dinner, actually."

"I have dessert, too." She said plainly. "We just put this new pastry on the menu. I'll put it in the oven so it's warm when you come in."

"How can I turn down an offer like that?" She heard his smile through his voice. "Be there soon."

Stella got out a fresh, white table cloth and smoothed it out on the coffee table. The various aromas were already wafting through the flat, and she couldn't help but float back to her lasagna. It smelled like someone's Nona's kitchen, full of tomatoey and cheesy goodness.

There was a knock at the door and Bo slowly poked his head into the flat to see Stella with her head hanging above the takeaway box.

"Caught with your hand in the proverbial cookie jar," he said with a grin. Removing his coat, he nodded his head. "I would do the same."

"Have a seat, I'll bring out your dessert." She placed his treat on a china plate then placed it next to her lasagna. Bo wasted no time and immediately delved into the flaky pastry and soft, cream filling. His doe eyes rolled back into their sockets as he savoured the sweet taste. Stella smiled to herself as she dove into her dinner.

Bo finished his dessert in one minute flat.

"Was it good?" Stella asked rhetorically to break the silence. He patted his tummy and laughed.

"Is yours?" he peered at her food, but she playfully protected it with the hand between them.

"Yes, very." She said as Bo got up and walked to the kitchen. She watched him over the countertop as he reached into the cupboard and filled a glass with cold water, then noticed he was waving at her, trying to get her attention. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I'm hurt. It was very important," he feigned a hand over a broken heart. "I said: Do you ever think about how lasagna is basically like a pasta cake?"

She opened her mouth to protest, but then Stella's brow furrowed. She examined the food carefully. Pasta layer, sauce layer, pasta layer, sauce layer, pasta layer, sauce layer, cheese layer. "I guess you're right."

"You're damn right I am," Bo affirmed as he settled into the couch again. "So, do you know when Blair's coming home?"

Stella rolled her eyes. She couldn't help it. Her words overflowed from her lips as she explained how Blair bailed on her with no explanation. She tried not to sound offended because obviously work was keeping Blair occupied, but it didn't sting any less - especially since she had just returned from her time abroad. Stella huffed and chucked her leftovers in the fridge.

Bo felt uneasy now, knowing he inadvertently struck a nerve. He sidestepped behind her to make a quick escape from the kitchen but Stella spun like a top and threw her arms around his neck. He froze in place, not knowing where to put his hands. Stella was hugging him, but it felt desperate like she was clinging to whatever she could.

"I get the feeling you aren't upset with Blair," he said into her hair. His arms encircled her in a friendly embrace and he carefully patted her soft hair.

"I just really wanted a friend tonight." Her voice was just barely above a whisper as she spoke into his shoulder. Neither of them dared to move. "Can we watch a movie or something?"

He nodded and let her pick a movie she has seen a million times over. She picked Clue, then settled into the sofa next to Bo. The film had only been playing for about twenty minutes before they fell asleep. They leaned against each other like the supporting poles of a tent - if one of them shifted, so would the other.

Blair came home during the end credits, sleepy from the joint she shared with Matty. She floated into the flat, barely noticing that the telly was on, let alone her friends napping on the couch. She walked into her bedroom and softly fell onto her bed, cocooning herself in the plush blankets. She was almost sure that she had never felt more comfortable on her own mattress. 

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