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It had been weeks since Blair and Ronan had last heard from Matty and the band. They had both joined other team projects and finished since their last correspondence on the phone. Blair was beginning to think that they weren't going to take the finished product and it worried her. Her first undertaking at the new office and now Hamidi can't stand to look her in the eyes.

"God," she turned around to see Ronan behind her, pouring a hot drink at the kitchenette. She held up two fingers and joked, "Make it a double, sir."

"That bad, huh?" He said, making her a cup of whatever he was having. He reached into the cupboard for a small bag of biscuits as well. "Nothing at all?"

"Yep, it's been completely silent." She gulped. "The only thing they stressed is that they liked the video and they would be in touch."

"That's annoying, but it does happen with famous clients," Ronan shrugged his slim shoulders as he sipped from his mug. "Unfortunately."

"God," she repeated. "It's so rude being kept in the lurch like this. I can't stand it. Give me one of those." She reached over and stuck a hand in Ronan's biscuit bag.

As if on cue, Blair's computer dinged with a new email. Her eyes widened as she lunged over to read it. "Holy shit, it's them."

"Hey, that was lucky, what does it say?" Ronan's voice was relieved as he stood behind her. He scanned the message alongside Blair. "Matinee? What do you suppose they mean by that?"

"They want to watch the video with us? But..." she trailed off before rereading the message again. "Did we not spend all our time making it? Why do we have to watch it again?" It left Blair with an aimless beat in her chest. Was it for critiquing the video? Was it for any final changes? She was at a loss.

Ronan meandered behind his desk and suggested calling Matty.

"You know," he wiggled his eyebrows over the rim of his mug. "Loverboy."

"Shut up, you twit." Blair rolled her eyes, then took a quick sip of the tea Ronan had left on her desk. "Ugh, is this Orange Pekoe? Gross!"


Bo had knocked on the front door of the flat four times. One long, three short. It had become a sort of code between him and Stella when they were returning books. They had shifted through so many genres, but always came back to gothic texts. When Stella opened the door, she handed him her copy of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

"I didn't expect to like this one as much as I did, to be honest with you." He laughed a bit.

"Thanks, you want to come in? I just made some soup." She waved her hand inside and he quickly shoved his shoes and jacket off. Bo was met with a warm, luxurious scent of tomatoes, onions, peanuts, herbs, and spices.

"Oh my god, it smells amazing. What is it?"

"It's something my mum made for me when I was sick. It's like a spicy peanut stew." She gracefully ladled it into two light green bowls and brought them to the coffee table in the living room. The two dropped to their knees to enjoy the soup on the carpet.

"Thanks," he said. "I like these, too." He tapped the varnished bowls. Stella had made them a year ago during an intense pottery stint, even sold a couple dishes in the same lime colour.


They both ate the soup quietly, contently. Until Bo trekked into new territory.

"Heard anything from the school?" he asked carefully. He knew that Stella was braving this new chapter, but he didn't want to seem like she had to go through it alone.

"Not yet. I applied to a few smaller ones farther out of the city, but that would probably mean I'd have to move closer. Or even worse—" she swallowed, "—back in with my brother." 

He laughed for a second, but saw she was concerned out of the corner of his eye. "You'll get a 'yes' soon. I'm sure of it."

"It's just been so long since I've been at school, I'm nervous." Bo placed a delicate hand on her knee.

"You'll get in, Stella. They'd be crazy not to accept you." He looked at her face for a long time. She was nearly tearing up, which he had never seen before. She was always so strong and stoic and fun and bold and—

She kissed him. Her eyes fluttered shut as she leaned in swift and soft to hold her lips to his. Just for one sweet moment of bliss. He held her face close to his, breathing deeply to savour the moment together. Before Stella pulled away, Bo felt a smile creep onto his face. 

She scanned his face then held the stare with his bright blue eyes, then sighed. With his hand still holding on to her cheek, he leaned forward to put his forehead against hers. Stella reached up and held onto his arm, not quite being confident enough to let go yet.

ephemeral // matty healyWhere stories live. Discover now