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Stella called her in the early morning. She was already rubbing sleep out of her eyes when she heard the first quiet ring from her cell.

"Hey," Blair said groggily. "How are things?" She turned to face to body beside her. Matty's hair had taken over most of his face, but a pair of agape lips poked out from under his tight ringlets. She smiled.

"Things are alright," she said. "Did you know Bo loved me?"

Blair let out a heavy sigh, now fully awake. "Yes."

The line went silent, neither one dared to break it. A minute passed, and Blair finally got out from under Matty's comforter. She tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder. Her legs braced the chill of the room until she shoved on a pair of joggers from his floor.

"I don't love Bo like that." Stella said.

"That's okay," Blair responded. "You don't have to."

"I mean, obviously, I love Bo—." She stopped herself and let her voice trail off before getting very small. "But I don't want that and certainly not now."

"...Not now? What does that mean exactly?" Blair looked back at Matty's head of dark curls on the white duvet. He was peaceful, despite the odd twitch in his sleep. She left the bedroom, carefully closing the door behind her.

"I decided that I am going to back to school." Blair heard a small smile at the end of her voice.

"I am so proud of you, girl. This is so exciting." The pair spoke while Blair made coffee in Matty's kitchen. She sat on the counter, buzzing with enthusiasm while her friend spoke about something with vivacity for once. It had been a while since she had seen a spark this bright from Stella. Blair thought she needed it.

"When I get home, let's get cinnamon rolls at that place on the corner. They always make the best ones." Blair said.

"Better yet, you pick up coffees from that place two streets over, and I'll grab the rolls. When do you think you'll be back from your rendezvous?" Blair could practically hear Stella's eyebrows wiggling on the other end of the line.

"Soon, I'll send you a quick message. See you soon, love you."

"Love you, too, dearest." Stella made kissing sounds before hanging up. From the other side of the kitchen, Blair heard the creak of the bedroom door opening. In the doorframe, a Matty rubbed his face. 

"You know, it's customary to be in bed with someone at the time they wake up after you've just spent the night with them." 

His boxers hung low on his hips as he strode into the kitchen. Blair, still seated on the marble countertop, guided him between her knees to plant a kiss on his nose. "Morning to you, too."

Matty hummed as if he was pleased, leaning in again for a tender kiss on her neck. She felt his hands rest on her hips. He lingered for a moment, and she heard him breathe deeply. In and out.

"You know," he said with a cheeky voice. Blair couldn't see his face when he was tucked away by her collarbone, but she knew that he used this angle to get a good look down her V-neck. "I do believe that I was very good last night."

"Mhm?" Blair said dreamily, grabbing hold of his muscular, tattooed arms. Matty's fingers started to wander, slipping in the waistband of her joggers.

"Maybe I could have a treat, if you'll let me." He pulled back his head to look her in the face. His eyelids hung low to stare at her lips. She felt one hand reach behind her neck to pull her into a small peck. It was brief but it pulled him towards her neck again, where he kept on kissing. Blair swore that her skin was so sensitive that she felt a bruise, but that didn't stop her from holding onto him.

"I could see that happening," Blair was biting a lip to keep from moaning, especially because she felt Matty wriggling the joggers down past her thighs, to her ankles until he pulled them off and threw them to the floor.

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