Chapter 13: Freeman Family Strike Back

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The Boondocks: Freemans vs Stinkmeaner Scene

"An old enemy?" Ozpin wondered with a hum.

"Sounds ominous." Glynda stated as she felt that she wouldn't be much of a fan of this dimension.

"Sounds like we're in for a fight." Taiyang commented with a smirk.

Yang cheered as she punched her palm "Awesome!"

"Last one was an amazing spectacle but I wouldn't mind seeing a brawl or two." Jinn said, it's been a while since she's seen those and the only on she'd seen recently was that fight between the Ruby girl and the Bull man.

"I doubt this will top the utter destruction my punches did to that guy." Ruby said as she pointed at Adam who glared at her.

"I mean it won't but this one is gonna be one to remember." Cosmo said as he laughed and poofed back to his seat and started the dimension.

The dimension started by showing Ozpin in just a speedo as Qrow, who wore a black suit, was standing in front of him but he had a crazy look in his eyes.

"Well that's one way to start this." Taiyang said as he chuckled at Ozpin's attire.

Ozpin held his forehead in embarrassment as some started to laugh at the headmaster's appearance.

"Never thought I'd see this side of you, professor." Glynda teased.

"Me neither." Ruby said as she did not want to be this close to her teachers.

"I don't mind." Salem said with a smirk as she took in Ozpin, all of him.

"Qrow!?" Ozpin asked in shock "Are you on that stuff? Snap out of it Qrow! Cocaine is one hell of a drug."

"Before you even think about saying anything, no I don't do drugs." Qrow stated as they all looked at him.

Winter smiled 'Maybe there's hope for you yet.'

"I'd like to kill myself through alcohol thank you very much." Qrow stated as Winter let out a frustrated scream.

"YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME!?" Qrow shouted but his voice actually sounded like Tyrian's instead "YOU DON'T REMEMBER MY NAME!?"

"Why do I sound like that psycho!?" Qrow exclaimed.

"Yeah! This is weird!" Tyrian exclaimed in confusion.

"And why is he screaming the whole time?" Roman asked.

Qrow through a punch which launched Ozpin back but Qrow wasn't done as he approached him.

"WHAT'S MY NAME FAUNA!?" Qrow shouted as he kicked Ozpin to the wall who let out a scream.

"WHOA!" Sienna shouted.

"Hey man! You can't say that!" Sun shouted.

"Well clearly that's not me! Well at least not actually me." Qrow reasoned.

"Why?" Ruby asked in confusion.

"Only Faunus can use that word," Blake explained "Lots of historical reasons."

"Ohh..." Ruby and Yang said at the new information.

"He is kicking your ass." Taiyang stated with a laugh.

"AAH AIN'T MY NAME! MY MOMMA DIDN'T NAME ME AHH!" Qrow yelled as he was face to face with Ozpin.

A few laughed at this but most were just worried for his safety.

"I'm totally gonna use that." Cinder said with a smirk.


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