Chapter 1: RWBYnapped

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It was late at night in the world of Remnant, most were already asleep while some were awake scheming or doing whatever they did at night. At Beacon Academy, all the students were in their dorms and sleeping while their teachers were in Professor Ozpin's office for a meeting. After a small green poof, Cosmo revealed himself as he floated in front of the Beacon Academy building.

"Ooh!! This place is nice, though I really hope they sell bacon!" Cosmo exclaimed, he then looked around and noticed that the courtyard was completely empty "Hey, where is everybody?"

He poofed himself away and reappeared in the cafeteria but it was also empty.

"Dang it!" Cosmo said, he floated around the cafeteria until he reached the food isle. He transformed into a giant vacuum cleaner and sucked up all of the food, when all the food was gone he transformed back but he was very fat now.

His stomach growled as he groaned "Ugh!! I forgot cafeteria food was the worst kind of food, even in another dimension."

Cosmo's cheeks puffed out and he puked all the food back onto the isle. He looked to see that all the isle containers were full of green soup that had purple sparkles.

Cosmo looked at it and shrugged "Still better than cafeteria food."

He poofed himself into another room and this was a classroom, he looked at all the empty seats and waved his wand and it lit up.

"Class is in session!!" Cosmo shouted and Cosmo clones appeared in each seat.

"So class what's 58 + 11?" Cosmo asked.

One Cosmo raised his hand "Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me!"

Cosmo pointed at the student Cosmo, he put his hand down and grinned "69?"

A short drum sound that was only heard after a joke was made rang through the class. The Cosmo's burst out in laughter while the Cosmo in front of the class just grinned.

"No...The actual answer is Numbers!" Cosmo yelled.

The drum set rang through the class and the Cosmo's laughed again.

"Okay enough playing around." Cosmo said as he made all the Cosmo's disappear and poofed himself out of the class.

Cosmo poofed himself into another room but this one had four sleeping figures inside of it. He noticed that one of the figures had long blonde hair in one bed, another with long black hair, another with long white hair and the last had short black hair with red tips.

"Hi!" Cosmo exclaimed but they didn't respond as they continued to sleep, only Ruby responded but it was with a groggy and drowsy 'Hi.'

Cosmo poofed a large megaphone into his hands and tried again "HI!!!"

All four girls jumped out of their beds as their room shook, their door burst open to reveal team JNPR all in battle stances.

"Who? What? Huh?" Ruby said as she shot up and looked around, Ren took this opportunity to turn on the lights.

"Jaune? Pyrrha? Nora? Ren? What are you guys doing here?" Yang asked.

"And what the heck is that!?" Weiss asked in shock as she looked at Cosmo who happily waved as he floated by the window.

"We heard a loud sound coming from your room and we came to check it out." Ren explained.

"Okay that explains why you're here but that doesn't explain what he is?" Blake said as she pointed at Cosmo.

"Hi, I'm Cosmo and I'm a fairy." Cosmo introduced as he waved his wand in an arc motion and the words fairy were spelled above him.

"A fairy?" Weiss asked in a dull tone and unbelieving eyes.

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