chapter two

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Sage's POV

Waking up with the sunlight hitting my skin, and then my face. It makes me wince because I have to get up and get ready for work which completely sucks ass because there is nothing but bitchy people there who are stuck up.

I get up knowing I have around an hour to get ready for work. Emilio is still asleep, I heard him throw up in the middle of the night and laughed he then told me to "fuck off" and so I went back to bed.

Anywho I decide after checking all my emails and messages, it's about time to get up seeing as it's 9:15 am. I walk to my shower and let it heat up while I take my scrubs, set them to the side, and hop in. Feeling the water drizzle on my skin, it's a warm feeling, something I have been missing lately for... reasons but it's all okay, not really, but if I keep reminding myself maybe one day it will be.

After I get done shaving and washing my hair and body. I hop out and it feels refreshing. I take my time in no rush and apply some make-up, nothing big just a bit of concealer and mascara, I don't really do anything to my hair, I just let it air dry and then brush it, it's naturally straight which may sound like an upside except when trying to curl it, seeing as it only holds for like an hour with hair spray. I put on the scrubs which are just plain black.

Now for my favorite part FOOD, GOD I love food. I step out and a strong scent of eggs and bacon hits my nose, and there it is getting cooked by none other than my personal chef Emilio. Told you he was good for something, I poured some coffee into my mug and took a seat, and then he served me with some toast. I took a bite and moaned in the delightfulness, it was extraordinary. "Can you not devour it like that, you look like a pig," I smack him upside the head and he starts laughing "You're just mad because I am right" I give him the finger and finish eating, cleaning up a little bit, then grab my keys.

Noticing all the boxes packed and being moved out already. It felt empty. He decided that it was time to move out, after dad died he wanted to leave and find himself or some shit so he is going to live with his friends, out of state. I was going to miss him, but it's what's best.

"Can't believe you're leaving"

"Yeah but it's time, don't you think, I will miss you sis "

"I will miss you too, I'll probably be home late like seven. Also, clean up a bit before you leave please" I gave him a cheeky smile.

"Alright only because I love you, bye sis, be safe seriously" he walked over giving me a quick hug

"I will, if anything I'll kick some ass"

"Okayyy Mike Tyson calm down, now go before you're late"

"Love you too" He nods, and I walk to my car, he hates it when I say bye because it sounds like I won't see him again so I always say "See you" or something along those lines. I get to work and am already getting shit on because a couple of minutes late but I pay no mind to it.

Hours go by; I get all to most of my work done, and now am sitting here bored out of my mind only having an hour to go, I really just want someone to hit me with a car or something, it gets really quiet during this time because visiting hours are only busy during the morning. The only somewhat noisy thing is the TV which is playing a rerun of a game show. The only thing I have left is paperwork to input into the system, I am typing away when my phone chimes for the third time, probably for Emilio I finally decide to answer.

Emilio: 'Finished cleaning :) well mostly'

Emilio: 'I think I'm going to throw a load in, do you have clothes'

At this point I am shaking my head, I should have responded.

Emilio: 'I just got done packing'

Me: 'When is your flight?'

Emilio: "At 9, I will probably be gone before you get home though Emily is picking all of us up and dropping us off"

Me: 'mkay be safe, text me when you land. love you'

Emilio: 'Love you too and I will'

I was seriously going to miss him, but he's right he needs to be on his own for a while. He will come and visit plus he has his friends so he'll be okay. It was going to be my first night home alone which I didn't mind. I could get some homework done, read a book or binge a show or something, and call it a night. I am going to need to stop at the store for the essentials snacks and more snacks and I could get some food on the way home. Best night ever.

Fishing up my shift and clocking out never felt better knowing I was going to a clean house and getting to eat nothing but junk food, how wonderful. When I say I love food, I mean it. I stopped at a Chick-fil-A and 12-piece nuggets with the meal. Now all I have left is to stop by the store and I am done! The drive isn't that bad, only maybe 45 minutes. I figured it would be better to just stop and run in so I took a quick look at the GPS and pulled off the highway. I pull up to the store which is more of a gas station, fucking GPS, I park get my wallet, and head inside.

Walking through the isles and picking vanilla ice cream, sour cream & onion chips, sour punch straws, dr. pepper, and a couple of other things. Heading to the checkout, the guy is kinda sus he is looking at me like I'm his prey. I paid and that's when I heard it, at first, I was confused then I heard the sound once again.

It is a gunshot. My eyes go wide in realization, my mind goes a thousand miles per second not knowing what to do. So I did what any rational person would do. I ran like the fucking flash. I reached my car and saw these men still shooting and got so scared. That's when I saw him slowly drop to the floor. It happened so slowly, it was a four-to-one standoff, so not even thinking I turned on my car and reversed then hit two of them, while slamming the back of my car, what are the fucking chance this happens. I get out of the car, and the other two guys approach me all I can think is "Well shit".


This is kind of background information and a little slow 

thank you for sticking around

have a good night party people



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