chapter forty-four

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Sage's POV


What is that godforsaken noise. Breathing in hurts like a bitch, no fun. All I remember is in Marco's arms. Marco. He must be going crazy, I am his sane part. I feel bad for people who deal with him.

I attempt to open my eyes, and it's bright, well not bright bright but it hurts. I move a centimeter and it's like a train hit me. I hissed in pain. Maybe we should stay still.

Laying there I ended up falling back asleep. It was peaceful until SOMEONE decided to turn the lights up a notch. I felt the sun was hitting me "Amore" Marco. He kissed me on the head, why am I horny. My body must really miss him.

"Marco" I let out a soft whisper. I slowly opened my eyes "AMORE" he looked like a little kid that got a new toy. Many I would let him play with m- Stop. "Hello champ" he kissed me once again except on my lips. It felt like I was home.

"DOC SHE IS AWAKE" he ran out of the room. Something back with the doctor who set me up. "Sage how are you feeling" I smiled "Like a million bucks" he shocked his head "Scale of 1-10" I put my thinking face on "Is 2 only on my stomach the rest of me can run miles" I laughed, almost crying cause it hurt.

They make it seem cool in the movies, but in real life, it hurt worse than stubbing your toe. "Can I get ice cream" Marco laughed "You need rest we will talk more about rehab, tomorrow"

I nodded and looked at Marco "Ice Cream" I wiggled my eyebrows" he smiled "Anything for you amore" I missed him the most. He was gone for exactly 30 minutes. "Here you go" handing me a tub of ice cream. I scooted a little "Lay with me, I won't finish this" he did without a second thought

He put on a movie, and we sat and watched till I started getting tired. "Never again amore" what is going on about "Never scared me or leave me like that" a tear slipped out as he looked down at me.

"Someone missed me" I tuck my tongue out "I am serious Sage, I thought I lost you, it broke me" I got sad knowing he probably went through hell. "I am sorry, it was only a couple of days, I am here with you that's all that matters" he gave me a worried look.

"Sage, you have been out for almost 3 months." WHAT.THE.FUCK "I am so sorry" He must have really gone through hell. "Never again." I told him "So my spot is therefore when I get back right, you didn't replace me"

"Sage you are not going back into the field, look where it got you" that was true but it was bound to happen we are in a Mafia "Yes this happened to me, but I knew it was bound to happen. I am still in the Mafia, and I won't do desk work, Marco. I will do rehab and train, when I get better we can discuss this again, you are being biased"

He just shook his head, placing a kiss on my head. I wish he would kiss me eleswher-No. "Will you sleep here tonight" he nodded, I moved myself a little bit, hissed in pain but I wanted to be close to him. I have snuggled next to him "Goodnight Marco, I love you" he looked down "I love you to Sage"

Waking up was no field day, but I had just woken up. Doc says that those months I have been healing quite nicely, I figured walking about won't hurt as much as just sitting here. I changed, slow might I add.

I would laugh because I looked like an idiot. I use a cane I think, which made me laugh even more. The pain was bearable, I walked all the way to the hall before I was spotted "SAGE you're awake" it looked like she saw a ghost "Where is Maco, he should be here" I shrugged

She hugged me, I groaned that shit hurt. "Easy now I am a little bruised. To answer your question Marco went somewhere. I got bored" she walked with me, I missed Lucia she knew how to make me smile. "Sage you should be resting" oh no Doc

"How are you walking, you should be, I don't know in pain." I smiled "I've broken about 3 of my ribs, punch repeatedly, I am made of steel, plus it is bearable. I mean yesterday only her because I was adjusting"

He just signed "To your room" I shook my head "I am hungry, to the kitchen" I attempted to walk fast but I looked like an old lady. Lucia walked with me all the way to the kitchen, wasn't that far honestly.

I walked in, wearing shorts, baggy shirt. "Where is everyone" she led me to the dining room. There stood everyone, I mean Marco, Rezo, Luca, Em, Alice, Enzo, and Scout. They all looked at me like they saw a ghost.

Liz dropped her toast, I laughed and waved "No hello Sage nice seeing you" Marco stood up "You should be resting" I smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek "Baby nothing can knock me down." They all stood up and walked over.

"Be gentle, she is fragile right now" I laughed. Everyone greeted me with open arms, telling me how much they missed me. How Marco was a pain in the ass all the time coming from Rezo. Marco huffed.

I sat down, ate breakfast, Liz stayed with me while I ate filling me in on everything that happened. My back faced the door we heard someone approach "Sage" I turned it was Brianna "Bri your alive" I slowly got up and walked over.

"Thank you, I owe you my life" I just smiled, I thought I lost her for good. People may say she doesn't deserve friendship but everyone has a reason and makes mistakes but that does never define them as long as they learn from those mistakes.

She hugged me "Easy easy their women" she laughed. We sat and talked for a little. I decided to get some sleep, heal up with time. 

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