chapter thirty-five

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Sage's POV

As the day got closer to moving out, we all prepared. Trained, got supplies, gear. I figured today was the best time to visit my family, I haven't seen them since my party. I talked to my mom often when I wasn't busy. We decided to go out to lunch today, Marco had to work.

I headed off to this restaurant, it was I guess you could say expensive side I called ahead, Lucia and Em told me the basics like I have to be in the professional dress when at the property for meeting or deals, that's why I was wearing this.

I didn't have time to change, I had to sit in a meeting with Em. She was giving me an introduction to the business side. I walked up, the table had been ready. I took a seat waiting for mama bear.

After ten minutes she appeared "Mom" I got up and hugged her "Mi hija oh I've missed your face" she squeezed my face. "I've missed you too" She gave me a little smile "Wow, you look beautiful mija, how is Marco?"

"He is doing good, working but don't worry ma we do spend time together" she laughed, she saw my ring that he gave me the day he said he loved me "Your EnGaged" I laughed "No mama it is just a gift" she rolled her eyes

"No one gives a gift with diamonds like that" I smiled and looked at her, "You love him don't you?" she knew everything "Yes mama I love him, he makes me happy" she was bubbly "Finally, you found someone your brother is dating as well but who knows how that is going" She still has her humor.

"You know Sage, I thought at first you two wouldn't last, you jumped in fast and Emilio said that he knew you loved him even if you didn't know. Well here we are, my baby you are happy and healthy that's all I wanted. I love you" she started tearing up

"Mama I love you, thank you for everything, I am happy and love life. It gets hard but nothing we can't work though" she smiled "I have news" I nodded for her to continue "Me and Nic both are retiring well we decided to travel, sell the house and buy one by the beach or something"

I was happy for her, don't get me wrong, she was still my mom. She deserves to be happy. Plus it is probably better seeing as what is to come. " As long as you are happy mama, I support every decision."

She was happy, truly happy and that's all I cared for. "You're dad's year is coming up" I stopped and nodded "I know, I am planning to go up to his grave" she was truly surprised "Your okay?" I smiled

"He was one hell of a dad with a past, what happened was in the past and I blamed myself when the truth was it was natural. I may have pulled the plug but deep down I knew it's what he would've wanted. It's still hard, but Marco is there and helps on the bad days. I can't continue to live in the past and be in the present. He would've wanted me to be happy." a tear slipped out, she wiped it.

"He is proud of you Sage, everything you have done to this day, and to remember that." I nodded. We finished up lunch, "When are you leaving" we were walking out "Uhm in a couple of days actually. We sold a lot of stuff and have some stuff in my car for you to keep, I mailed some to Emilio. They're just pictures and stuff."

I smiled, moved a stack of photos to my car. Well, Marco's car, we said our goodbyes, and I saw her off. Just for her safety, we had guards patrol her house throughout the day and night. A block away, so it's not obvious. She drove off, I hopped in my car. Looking over the pictures.

There was a picture of me on my dad's shoulders, with Emilio holding his hand. There were others, they made me cry. I wiped the tears, I will never forget him. I figured today I should go to his grave. Talk to him, tell him about life I guess.

That was my next destination, right after I grabbed Marco his ring. I figured to surprise him for once. Don't get me wrong, we both get busy, but we make much room for 'quality time'. I just feel it's only fair. He told me about my car and how he paid it off, gave me the money that I had been playing with.

I used this money to buy his ring, which he probably won't wear, he only wears a chain, but he could always put the ring on his necklace.

After picking up my package, I headed to Silis, my dad's grave. When I first got there I was scared, I sat in my car for a good 20 minutes. Then I decided to get out, I looked around and there he was. I walked up smiling. I sat down and just cried for a little. A while, just apologizing. 

"Hey dad, it's been a while. A long while, uhm I don't really know what to say, so I guess I will start with sorry, I didn't go to your funeral and treated myself badly for a long time, I know all you wanted me to was to be healthy and happy. I was neither, I finally got the courage to see you. I brought flowers, I didn't know which ones to get so I bought three kinds." I laughed

I continued to fill him in on my life, it felt like I was really talking to him. I told him about Marco and everything including the Mafia not loudly just in a whisper. After about two and half hours I told him I better get going before people worry.

I left a photo of us that I found earlier. I cried a lot, it was something I needed to do. I felt relieved, I still had my temper and rage. It was something that will always be there along with my love and happiness. I got in the car and drove off, I headed to my home.

I will always love my dad no matter what, he was my light that burned out. Now I have my own light, and Marco's who will be there for me and I him. 

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