chapter nine

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Marco POV

This woman was one feisty person, which made me want her even more. I mean what is more fun than a little cat and mouse game, no woman has ever spoken to me the way she has and it was annoying but very intriguing. From the moment we met, I could not get her out of my head, she was beautiful, I have fucked many women, and at this point, I lost count but when seeing her all of them seemed ugly. She was natural, simple, with brown hair and eyes, was not petite, had perky boobs and a nice ass. At first, she was just a conquest, but she became a distraction which in my line of work was dangerous. I don't want her getting hurt, my mom and dad would love her just for the fact she didn't care who I was. She wants me, I can see it in her eyes but something is holding her back. We were walking out when tweedle dee and tweedle dumb walked towards us.

"Look who it is Marco, and who is this pretty lady?" holding a cigarette in his hand. Luca the youngest, the most obnoxious, loves to race, he was one hell of a driver. "What the fuck are you doing here" I had told Rezo I was going to see someone and of course sends these two. "Sage" she pulled out her hand, which Luca happily shook and then went in for a kiss when I shoved his head back. "Luca and this is Lucia" looking beside him "Yep that's my name, I could have introduced myself as an asshole" She smacked his arm, and he slapped her back. As it always ended with them arguing. "ENOUGH" I raised my voice which got their attention and stopped immediately. "Sorry," they both said at the same time, looking at Sage, she just laughed "It's okay my brother and I are the same way"

"What do you want I am busy" They both gave me a smirk "Bene fratello volevamo incontrare la nuova puttana." My blood boiled, I punched him hard, grabbing him by the color "Say that again, and I will put a bullet thew your head" his eyes widened "Sorry I assum- UNDERSTOOD" he is lucky she is here "Yes, brother I am sorry" I raised my hand going in for another when she caught my hand, she had a habit of doing that "Put him down" she scolded me, while they all looked at her "NOW" when she got angry there was no coming back, so dropped him, he fell on the floor. Lucia rushed over to him. "Go home, NOW" They both got up and walked away. As did she, she walked to the car and got in. (Translation: Well brother we wanted to meet the new whore)

She stayed quiet the whole time, she wanted to say something yet she didn't. I guess she was trying to calm down. "Why did you do that" she finally broke the silence, "He said something and stepped out of line, so I put him back in his place" She was getting furious by the second "Nothing gives you an excuse to hit family"

"He called you a whore" her eyes filled with anger

"Well then he is lucky"

"And why is that?"

"Because if I knew he said that, he would have left with much more than a busted lip" I let out a little chuckle,

"You don't think I could," she asked with an attitude, you could tell she was pissed

"I know you can amor" She just sat there, deep in thought I wish I knew what she was thinking. It made me a little irritated to not know what was going on. "What are you thinking about" I was just curious, she didn't respond "Sage?" her head turned quickly.

"Sorry what did you say"

"I asked what are you thinking about"

"Oh, um nothing" she lied, I didn't want to push her but I knew something was bothering her. She seemed upset but smiled at me but I knew it was a forced one. At that moment I just wanted to make her happy.

When we got to her apartment she was asleep. I didn't want to wake her, she looked peaceful. I got out quietly and carried her bridal style. She placed her head in the crook of my neck, her body relaxed in my arms. Walking up to her apartment was no hassle. She was light, and as we got closer to her door, I didn't want to put her down. It felt nice with her in my arms. Something about it made me feel at ease. It was a weird feeling, when we approached her door I unlocked it, and as soon as I stepped in she woke up, yawned, and just looked at me. 

"You carried me here" She looked a little worried "Yea you look pe-tired so I figured not to wake you" she laughed "Thank you, but you can put me down mow" Letting her down, she pulled her dress down. Which fitted her perfectly, outlined her curves, and her eyes popped out. "You can stop looking at me now" she sounded agitated  "Why would I do that?" her cheeks turned lit up, and my phone rang, what part of leaving me alone did they not get, it was my mom. 

"MARCO did you hit your brother" I signed, my mom was something else she was little but would kick anyone's ass if someone would hurt her babies. "Yes mama, only because he said something inappropriate to my date" I'm not arguing, just getting my point across "Date? How come you didn't tell me you had one, when can I meet her, is she there right now" She can be a lot at times "Yes she is here right now, and I don't know when you can meet her. Mama I have to go, I am busy" she laughed. I could let her be happy for me. "Oh yeah, okay we'll have fun, not too much fun although I would love grandchildren" She let out a chuckle, and I let out a sigh "Bye mama love you". I hung up with no reply I knew if I did she would keep rambling.

"Who was that your girlfriend" Wow she just said everything that came to mind "No that was my ma, and I told you I don't have a girlfriend unless you want to be it" I gave her a wink "In your dreams playboy" he scoffed "She wants to meet you" her eyes widened "Why this was only our first time hanging out" she became a little red, "This was a date, princess, I don't hang out with girls"

"So what you just fuck them and leave" I was a little surprised by her question "yes I did" her face dropped "I figured you were that type of guy, I hope you know I am not going to sleep with you" she was funny but very naive to what I am trying to say "I don't intend for you to sleep with me, if you let me finish I was going to say that there is a difference" she scoffed "And what would that be Marco" I walked closer to her, she kept walking back, until she hit the wall "The difference is that they are not important and you are" I whispered into her ear. Pulling away her face was so close to me, staring into her eyes, she pushed me away "I am not important, it's getting late you should go" I was wondering what she meant when she said that. Walking toward the door, and opening it.

I took this opportunity "Tomorrow be ready, I am picking you up at 2 so we can get you a car" she scoffed

"I don't need your money, nor do I want it, I'll pay for a car on my own"

"Fine, but I will take you, seeing as you don't have a ride"

"I am working tomorrow, bills don't pay themselves" She always had an attitude

"Then I will pay them, but you are going tomorrow" Her eyes widened

"No, I have to go to work" she can be a pain in the ass sometimes

"Fine, then after" I was not going to take no for an answer

"I get off at 8 tomorrow" Could she just not say yes

"When are you off?"

"I don't know maybe Saturday, look don't worry about it, I'll get one soon enough"

"No, I will see you Saturday bye princess" I walked out the door before she could respond, she worked a lot. I don't like her working, but she insists for some reason. She was an off girl, like a puzzle but one that kept multiplying the moment you figured out something about her. I started my car and left.


I am back party people.

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