Chapter 4

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"I said I was sorry, Naruto!" I apologized for the fifth time.

"'Sorry' won't bring back my favorite manga!" He barked back.

We both sitting on opposite sides of the classroom, including Sasuke and Sakura in the room as well, and we all were waiting on our late sensei. I swear, If they're usually this late like Kakashi, or even acts like that asshole, I going to scream and claw somebody's eyes out. "Well, I have to admit, when you suggested it, I didn't think it was that good, but when I read it, the manga was so so so good. You were right, the plot was so freaking cool!" I praised him, attempting to make him feel better.

"... I was right, wasn't I?" He beamed with his goofy smile and like always, brought a smile to my own face as well. "Yea, and I'm really sorry I lost your manga." I apologized again. "It's fine, but as soon as you find it, can you give it back to me?" I only nodded my head in reply and the room was quickly filled with silence.

After a few minutes, Naruto suddenly shouted, "Agh! I can't take it anymore! Where's our sensei!? Everyone else left with their's already! Even Iruka-sensei already left!" He moved his way to the chalkboard and picked something up, stomping to the door now. He opened it the door a crack and stuck in between it what seemed to be an eraser. A Cheshire-like grin made its way onto my face as I knew exactly what he was doing. "Naruto, don't do that!" Sakura yelled.

Naruto stepped back and admired his handy-work. When our sensei would walk in through the door, an eraser would plop down on their head. I giggled at Naruto silly antics. "Like a Jounin would fall for such a cheap trick." Sasuke insulted. Just like that my smile was wiped off my face, replaced with a glare towards said person. He saw my glare and challenged me with his own. In fact, I could practically see lightning going between us.

"I bet you he will fall for it." I hissed. I have no idea why, but I have this strange urge to disagree with every Sasuke says... Well, I know why, but still. Sasuke just replied with his signature "Hn." that made me almost pounce him right then and there, pounding his face in, and I was about to when the door creaked open.


The eraser fell in time for me to see who its unlucky victim was. The dust fogged around his sliver gravity defying hair. Instantly, my jaw dropped as I saw who my new sensei was. Naruto's laughing and Sakura's rambling was drowned out as I stared in disbelief. K-Kakashi? As our sensei? Anger quickly filled my veins as I realized that Kakashi never told me he was becoming a sensei. I gritted my teeth as I menacingly glare daggers at my God-Father. I have found another reason why I wanted to fucking punch his lights out. First, he wouldn't give me the damn letter, then he didn't tell me about the seal, and now, HE'S MY DAMN FUCKING SENSEI!

Kakashi's reveling eye scanned all of us and his eye finally landed on me. It looked so bored, like he didn't care about anything in the world. It made me want to grow my nails out just so I can claw at it. I growled under my breathe as he said, "Hmm...How can I say this? My first impression of you guys is that... I hate you." in such an uncaring tone that I felt like ripping apart his insides, then cry my eyes out. The rest of my team deadpanned and slumped, while I just simply closed my eyes and barked, "Vice. Versa." in a slow cold voice.

I could tell Kakashi knew I was angry with him, but it seemed like he wanted to push my buttons more by ignoring me. "Let's all go to the roof, shall we?" Turning around and walking out of the room, Naruto and Sakura followed right after him. Sasuke stood up from his seat and walked slowly past me as I looked down at my shoes. I felt numb and like I wanted to cry. I dug my nails into my palms and I bit my lip enough for it to start bleeding. This is why I hate today. I hate it, I hate it, I HATE IT!

This year is no different from the others! Mom is not even here to celebrate and she didn't even send a letter! Kakashi acts like he doesn't give a fuck about me 'cause I stole his book and no one other than him remembered my birthday! I felt my shoulders start to shake as I ranted to myself. This year is probably going to get worse by the minute! Last year, I lost all my money that I earned and I was going buy a present for mom with it! The year before that I got chased by 7 stray cats and then fell in mud, where they proceeded to scratch and claw at me! The year before that-!

"Why are you just standing there? Aren't you coming?" My head jerked up startled at the sound of the voice. Sasuke was standing there with his hands in his pockets, giving me an odd look. "...Oh... Sorry." I reply in a soft, dull voice. Why should I even care anymore? I sigh as I trudged up to the roof with Sasuke trailing behind me.

Reaching the roof, we saw Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi waiting for us. Sitting down next to Naruto, I pulled my knees to me, placing my head on them, and shut my eyes. They felt tired and all I wanted was to go to sleep and block out everything from this eventful day.

"Okay, Let's begin with introductions." I heard Kakashi say. "What do you want to know?" Sakura asked. I felt myself drifting off by the second, my mind wandering to Lalaland. "How about... Your likes. Dislikes... Dreams for the future, hobbies, stuff like that." Kakashi concluded. But, I don't want to! I whined in my thoughts. "Hey, Hey, Why don't you go first!?" Naruto shouted. I winced at the loudness of his voice, normally I wouldn't care about it, but today, all I want to do is be anywhere away from people. "Ohh... Me? My name is Hatake, Kakashi-" More like Shi-Shi-kun, "I have no desire to tell you guy about my likes and dislikes-" You like your porn and dislike it when someone takes it away from you, you jackass. "Dreams for the future...? Hmm... Well, I have lots of hobbies..." -Meaning you wish that one of your porn books scenarios would actually happen to you and your hobbies are reading those damn books, you perv!

"So all we learned... is his name?" Sakura whispered. "Blond kid, you're up!" I blocked out everything from that point on, finding it stupid to listen when I knew enough of them all already. My eyes had gotten extremely heavy and I found myself sinking my head into my knees. I really didn't mind, it felt good. I only listened in when a cold atmosphere crept it's way into the air. Everything was silent as Sasuke finished his speech, "-As for my dream, its not a dream, it is an ambition I will acomplish. To revive my clan and to kill a certain person." He ended hissing it out of his mouth.

A chill ran down my spine as my blood went cold for I knew exactly who he was metioning. Now I'm reminded of Him, why not just add someone telling me mom died and I will offically call today the worst birthday ever. "Now, the last one." Kakashi said after a few seconds of silence.

Great! Now I don't have a name. I'm referred to 'The Last One'! Bullshit! I sighed as I looked up and narrowed my eyes at Kakashi, "Everyone here fucking knows enough about me, we all grew up in the same fucking class and in the same fucking village. We're not all fucking strangers, and don't say bullshit about how you don't fucking 'know me' because I'm more than fucking sure we know more about eachother than you fucking think."

Sakura and Naruto gawked at me for cursing out our sensei, but I really didn't give a fuck anymore. If he is going to be an asshole, then so shall I. Kakashi's eye still stared at me boredly, while mine still narrowed at him. "S-Sensei! She didn't mean it-" Sakura tried to cover up, but I quickly interrupted.

"No, I meant it... Every. Single. Fucking. Word." I spat like venom. "It's fine, Sakura. But, Could you tell us your name at least?" Kakashi asked. I growled in a sarcastic voice, "Yea, It's 'The Last One' like you said so yourself." Kakashi cleared his throat in responce, showing that I had won this battle. Its not like he could have hit me right then and there, I would just booked it and steal one of his books again. "Leave her alone, I believe she is just PMSing." Kakashi finally said. Naruto brust out laughing and Sakura held back a chuckle, but my glare quickly silenced them both.

"You know what? I don't have to take this bullshit! I'm leaving! And I'm asking the hokage to switch my team!" I yell as I stomped away from them all. "Wha-Wait! Ki! Kibou come back!" Naruto shouted, but I was already gone like leaves on a windy day.

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