Chapter 6

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A/N: (I really HATE doing these because I don't want to annoy anyone when they could be reading the story) How to pronounce Kibou's name is like Ka-i-ba-o and Ki is like Ka-i or like Ky, Now I know it isn't how you would say it in Japanese as the 'Ki' would sound like 'Key' in it, but that was before I knew, yet I'm not changing it because I really love that name :) (Sorry, back to the story)


"Ki... I would get up if I were you." I faintly heard under my bundle of blankets. "Nooo~!" I drawled, "I don't wanna~!" I gripped the ends of my cave and pulled it towards my body to keep the cold out and to stop anyone to pull me out of my warm home. "Ki... You know what today is, right?" After a few moments of silence, I peaked my head out like a turtle and muttered with a pout, "Can't you just postpone it until a day that I want to do it? Please...?" His lazy eye just bore into my own intense stare. He just sighed after a minute and walked out of my room causally... almost too causally...

I sighed as I crawled back into the blankets and shut my eyes to be greeted with a dream. I didn't even acknowledge my door opening again and hearing footsteps gently until I felt cold water get dumped on my head. I burst out of my covers while screeching with displeasure as loud as I could. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Came out of my mouth before I could stop it. Kakashi was right beside me as he put on such a bright smile (at least that is what it seems since he has his mask on), you would have never suspected him to pull such an immature joke.

"Good. Now that your up, you can start to get ready for the test today." He cheerfully said. My threatening glare silenced him as I stood up from my, now, wet bed and roughly pushed him out my door. I slammed it shut when he was fully outside as I yelled, "PISS OFF!"


I quickly threw my wet t-shirt to the side as I stripped. I muttered every curse word I could think of as my mind wandered as well as my eyes. My eyes fell onto my bedside table where my letter was. Damn Asshole for tricking me like that! I'll have to teach him a lesson today. I'll kick his ass! I mentally promised myself that as I grabbed a pair of clothes from my closet. 

"Ki! When you're done, come to the kitchen! I have something for you!"

Bullshit... It's probably just another trick. That Assface.

Once I was done changing, I grumpily stomped down the stairs to the kitchen."What do you want?" I growled before stopping as I saw a large present. Bewildered, I just stared at Kakashi, waiting for an explanation. "Happy Late Birthday." Was the only thing to come out of his mouth. 

I just stared at him with a 'What-the-fuck-are-you-doing?' face and walking over to the table. The present was about the size of my whole torso. "You know... you're kinda a day late..." I pointed out. "I'm aware. You said that you didn't want a present on your birthday, not the day after."

Sneaky Bastard.

"...Can I open it?" I asked with uncertainty.

"I don't know. Can you?"

"...Don't pull that teacher shit on me. You've been hanging out with Iruka lately, haven't you?"

"Ki... Just open it."

With a sigh, I ripped apart the wrapping paper and looked inside the box. Though, despite the size of the box, all that was in there was... a scroll. 

I glanced at Kakashi was confusion on my face as I pulled the scroll out of the box. "Why...?" I didn't know what to say. I had no idea what kind of scroll it was since I never use them because you have to know seal shit in order to open and create them.

"It's a storage scroll. There's a weapon in there that I picked out. I think you'll like it since its in your fighting style. Also, It's not just any scroll. This is a special one that needs your blood to open and store things in it, unlike the ones that you have to unlock. I knew you would never be able to open it on your own. So, I modified it for you." Kakashi explained it like it was the most simplest thing in the world.

"...I don't know whether to hit you for practically insulting me or to hug you for making it simple for me."

"I'll settle for a hug."

I skipped over to the other side of the table and wrapped my arms around him, squeezing as hard as I could. Though Kakashi is a dick sometimes, he still is my God-father, and I'll always love him... Just don't ever expect me to say it out loud. Kakashi hugged back, squeezing me equally as hard. I grunted in displeasure as I tried to push away, but Kakashi just hugged me harder. 

"Kakashi, you can let go now."

"No, you're going to suffer. This is your pay-back for every single book you've ever stolen, burned and destroyed."

Oh God.


I reached the training grounds, that we were supposed to meet at, around 10:00. When I showed up, Naruto and Sakura screamed, "You're late!" Sasuke just had his back towards everyone, not saying a word.

I put my hands up in defeat as I repeated, "Sorry, sorry." with a small smile on my face. "A black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way around." I used one of Kakashi's stupid excuses and hoped that it would work. I hate to admit it, but his excuses rubbed off onto me. Hopefully. his perverted-ness won't be next. 

Naruto pouted angrily at me from his position on the ground while Sakura slightly glared at me. Sakura and I aren't exactly on best buddy terms, but we weren't mortal enemies trying to pound the other into the dust, either. We have our moments where we want to strangle each other and then we want to go have a sleep over and talk about boys and make-up. Like a love-hate relationship.

"Hey, I was out shopping for snacks to eat after we are all done this thing. Could you really hate me when I bought food for you?" I bargained. I originally was eating a small breakfast and passed a candy shop. I realized that it was Naruto's favorite shop since they had ramen flavored gum, so I went in to buy some for him and to buy myself chocolate as well. After I bought them, I was starting to think about how Sakura and Sasuke wouldn't have any candy, so on a whim, I bought them random candy as well. 

"FOOD?! WHERE?!" Naruto shot off the ground and was about to tackle me if Sasuke didn't pull me to the side by the back of my hoodie. I turned my gaze to Sasuke in questioning and his only reply was, "If you know that you are about to be pounced, don't just stand there. Move. God, you are a disgrace to all ninjas. You and Naruto both." 

I narrowed my eyes dangerously at the asshole in front of my eyes. It didn't help that I was the same height as Naruto, so I kinda looked less threatening. I could hear Naruto's yelling in the background, consisting of, "Do you wanna fight, teme?!" But it went deaf against my ears as Sasuke held his own glare that matched mine. 

I broke eye contact only to get a small paper bag out from my ninja pouch and held it up to his face. His eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as he backed away a little, surprised to find the bag so close to his face. "You see this?" I asked, pointed to the bag, "This is your candy." Then I dropped the bag onto the ground below. I raised my foot and stomped onto it with as much force as I could muster, all while looking straight at Sasuke. "Now, it's no longer your candy."

"Now, now, Ki. Calm down." We all heard to our right. We turned our heads towards the voice and saw Kakashi standing a little away from us. "YOU'RE LATE!" Sakura and Naruto scream, pointing accusing fingers at Kakashi. 

Kakashi just sweat-dropped and said, "A black cat crossed my path and I had to take the long way around." which was my excuse. Sakura and Naruto noticed this, probably Sasuke too, as they were all staring between Kakashi and I, almost like comparing us. I hope not. I would kill a bitch if you say that I'm remotely anything like Kakashi.

"Okay, let's get started with the training exercise." Kakashi announced with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Fuck me!

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