Chapter 11

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"Come on, Ki! We're just waiting on you!" Naruto yelled as he saw me coming down the street. My eyebrows furrowed together as I wondered why I was this late. My gaze traveled to see who was present and I saw that everyone, including Kakashi, was already there. I narrowed my eyes at Kakashi threatening as I marched over to the front gates. I didn't say a word other than, "You Asstwat." 

Kakashi purposely said the wrong time so he would look like he was early and that I was later than him! That asshole! 

Kakashi had done that about four times before now, all was for a mission too. On the second time, I tried to punch him, but he dodged. So, I started to hide all of his Icha Icha Paradise books. He started to swear that he wouldn't do it again, and I believed that little shithead and gave them back, only for him to do it again to me. I ended up hiding all his money instead and THEN burned all his books, that way he couldn't buy more. 

"Looks like the little princess took her time." Tazuna teased. I growled at him, which surprised him enough for him to take a step back. Satisfied, I smirked as I started to walk forward. Kakashi just sweatdropped while coughing to get everyone's attention, "Well, now that everyone's here, let's go."

Naruto dashed forwards and jumped up in the air excited. "Yeah! I'm officially a traveler now! I'm finally leaving the village!"

Oh yeah! Naruto hasn't left the village before! I remember when I left for the first time... It ended with myself getting grounded because I almost set Kakashi's hair on fire...

"Hey... can I really trust this kid with my life?" Asked Tazuna.

I wanted to scream 'Hell Yeah! Naruto is the best ninja out there! He'll kick anyone's ass!', but Kakashi cut in before I could.

"I'm a Jounin, so you are fully protected."

PFFFT! Yeah right, asshole! You can't even protect your porn books from a teenager, let alone you'll be able to protect a real person from thieves! HAHAHA! I insulted in my head.

I didn't want to do nothing on the walk so I grabbed the seal book from my bag. On the letter, the seal has a certain design, the more complex the sign, the harder it is to unseal, and the seal on the letter looked fucking complex as shit! Sasuke looked to the side at me and narrowed his eyes, "Why are you reading? We're on a mission! Thieves could attack at anytime!"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah... I don't think thieves are stupid and desperate enough to stand literally five meters away from the Konoha gates... When we get more away from the village, then I'll put away the scroll and I'll be serious." And I went back to reading. 

Sasuke scowled at me and went back to looking forward. Everything went to normal after that, as nothing really happened. After a short while, I saw a few seals that kinda looked similar to the one on my letter, but I couldn't try it out to see if they were the ones because we were moving. I sighed and put away the scroll because for right now, it was kinda useless. 


It had been about 3 hours after leaving the village, yet there hasn't been even one thief or robber. Since everything was really boring, I resorted to watching the clouds. 

No wonder Shika loves this shit. It's peaceful as hell and fucking distracting, too.

I faintly heard Sakura asking Tazuna something, and that's when I tuned out completely. The clouds had shapes of their own, and I was playing a game of 'What Shape is That?', which was kinda entertaining. I found one that looked like a hand, and another one was in the form of a dog. It was quite fun actually.

I was interrupted from my little game by Kakashi yelling, "Hey! Are you disrespecting the Hokage?!" I laughed at how they froze in fear before they started to yell in denial. It made me feel happy. I giggled out loud at their distress which I received an blank stare from Sasuke, followed by a 'hn'. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2013 ⏰

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