chapter seven

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The Slytherin common room was as dark and chilling as she had expected, as were half the stares she received from Theo's housemates. The warmth from Theo's hand holding hers helped fortify her courage enough to get her over the threshold and in front of the fire where two sixth year boys were passing out cups full of something that smelled distinctly alcoholic.

Theo arched a brow in question.

She was Head Girl. She had no business drinking contraband alcohol down in the dungeons, but when in Rome...

With a put upon sigh, she nodded.

He grabbed them two cups and pressed one into her palm. "Cheers."

She lifted the cup to her lips and tipped it back expecting the burn of firewhisky, but this was-this was good. Whatever it was didn't burn on the way down her throat but it left her belly full of sparkling warmth that sent a tingle all the way to her toes. Without meaning to, she'd drained her entire cup and licked her lips to prolong the oak rich taste that had a hint of-what was that? Cherry?

Theo grinned at her from over the edge of his cup. "Good?"

"What is that?" she asked.

He took a long draw from his drink, his throat working as he drained it. He took her cup and set both aside on a table beside a velvet green chaise. They vanished, instantly. "Fairy wine."

Huh. Her stomach fluttered like a thousand pixies had taken up residence inside her and- a giggle tore itself from her throat. She smacked a hand over her mouth and stared at him in question.

Theo chuckled as he spoke, "Laughter is a temporary side-effect, I swear."

Oh Merlin, what had she done? "And what"-she laughed-"does it do then?"

He grinned. "If you drink enough, get you drunk?"

It was true that the laughter did subside after a few moments, but still, she cut herself off from anymore mysterious beverages. Not that she didn't trust Theo, but who knew what other party favors Slytherins amused themselves with? More even, she might've trusted Theo but these days, she didn't always trust herself. One drink was more than enough as was left pleasantly warm and a little loose, but clear of mind as Theo led her out of the common room and up a set of stairs.

The dungeons were laid out differently enough from Gryffindor tower that she had no idea where they were headed. "Where are we going?"

The party was in full swing behind them, though Draco was nowhere to be seen.

Theo pulled her along, his larger hand holding hers as he guided them down a dimly lit stone hall and through a door into a room where-

Draco stood, broad back to them, a fluffy green towel hanging low on his hips. Droplets of water dripped down his alabaster skin and slipped along the curve of his spine before disappearing into where the towel was tucked just above his bum.

A small gasp slipped from her lips causing Draco to turn, the lean muscles along his flank shifting beneath his skin. She smacked a hand over her eyes but not before getting an eyeful of the fine blond hair below his naval and the indent of muscles over his hips that flared like an arrow, pointing down to what his towel concealed.

Theo had the audacity to chuckle and continue tugging on her hand to pull her further into the room as if Draco wasn't standing half naked several feet away.

"Theo." She pulled against his grip. Even though she couldn't see Draco, she said, "Sorry, Malfoy. I didn't mean to-"

Catch you nearly starkers? Merlin and Morgana, talk about a disaster.

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