chapter twenty one

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Gods, she was warm. Exceptionally warm as if she'd fallen asleep on a cloud in front of a fireplace. Except clouds and fireplaces didn't make her wet between her thighs and she was soaked, dripping and there was something, someone, stroking her. Talk about a realistic dream. Never before had she been so close to coming in her sleep before and-"Oh."

Her moan was embarrassingly loud, downright wanton, and it filled the air as she rocked against the fingers circling her clit. Lips brushed against the nape of her neck, warm and soft and-oh, there was tongue, just a hint of tongue brushing against her skin, tasting. She opened her mouth, but all that came out was a low, broken mewl as-her eyes snapped open. Draco was staring at her, nearly nose to nose in the dim room, heavy curtains blocking out the morning light

Not a dream. Definitely not a dream. It was Theo touching her, had been touching her. As soon as it sunk in, her brain booting up, he hooked her leg over his and slid into her from behind, his cock hard and hot and grazing all the right spots. "Fuck."

Draco's sleepy, smirking stare down did little more than fan the embers of lust cresting within her. What little light filtered in through the windows silhouetted Draco's form, and before she could even bother stringing together a greeting, he leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers. His lips, his kiss stole her focus along with her words.

All she could do was feel, feel as Theo gripped her thigh and rocked into her, cock pressing perfectly into her while Draco kissed her breathless. No, she wasn't asleep-unless this was a dream? She'd imbibed quite a bit, but this was more than her brain, pickled or not, could've put imagined at-well, whatever time it was. Draco's fingers slithered between their bodies and circled her clit, and okay, yes, there was no way this wasn't reality. Dreams were good, but they weren't that good, good enough to make her toes curl into the sheets and her eyes roll back, no. This was real, the sensations electric, and-oh, could she wake up like this every day?

Draco's tongue traced the seam of her mouth, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip. "You going to come, Hermione?"

Theo grunted softly in her ear and the raw sound of masculine pleasure made her insides clench. "Yeah, she is. Her cunt's already milking me."

She furrowed her brow and rocked forward and back, torn between meeting Theo's perfect thrusts and Draco's hand, his fingers playing her beautifully, stroking her to release. So close, she just needed a little push-

Theo's teeth grazed against the space where her neck met her shoulder and she was freefalling, trembling in his arms and Draco's both as her climax racked her body, her muscles twitching as prismatic lights bursts behind her lids.

Draco kissed the space between her brows, then her nose, her lips, her chin, all sweet connect-the-dot kisses that cushioned her fall back to the earth as Theo's thrusts slowed to a stop and he pulled out of her, his cock still hard. Theo patted her hip gently. "Hands and knees, love."

Did she even have the strength for that? Maybe she did, maybe she didn't, but she could try and-okay, not so difficult rolling to her tummy, now all she needed to do was press up and-good, good. She was on her hands and knees, okay, hands and elbows but surely that counted?

Suddenly Theo yanked her hips back, dragging her down the bed. She gasped, scrambling for purchase against the sheets. Gods, her cunt was still fluttering with aftershocks and he was already manhandling and-"Theo."

He hadn't even given her a moment to gather her wits, what remained of them or existed in the first place, before he'd nudged his cock back inside, so impossibly deep like he was trying to fuck her brain by way of her heart. She dropped her head, let it hang, and panted.

Theo kissed the topmost knob of her spine. "You're good at multitasking, aren't you, love?"

Hmm, was she? She usually preferred to give one task her all but there were certainly instances where such measures were called-

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