chapter fourteen

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"Theo," she hissed. "We're supposed to be working."

His hand was inching its way up her skirt and along the inside of her knee, distracting her from their translation.

Draco chuckled under his breath. "Feeling handsy today?"

Theo waggled his brows. "You know I am."

Draco turned pink and shook his head.

"Well, you can be handsy with me once we finish this," she said.

"It's been days, Hermione." He pouted. "Denying me the privilege of watching you come is cruel and unusual punishment, I hope you know."

"Three days." She laughed. "Not even. It's Tuesday."

Draco slid his parchment across the library table toward her. "Theo does have a bit of a point. You've spoilt us."

Theo hummed. "Our bed is rather large without you in it."

"Good Godric, you're the ones who transfigured it to be that size. Shrink it back," she said.

"When it would be so much easier if you joined us instead?" Theo shook his head.

She grabbed Draco's parchment and passed him hers, swapping to double check for inconsistencies. "I'm not moving into your room. One, it's against the rules and two, you live in the dungeons."

"Rules were meant to be broken, Hermione," Theo said. "And don't pretend you're some prissy, goody-two shoes. Sneaking into the restricted section, brewing Polyjuice potion in your second year, breaking into bloody Gringotts...should I go on?"

"Merlin. I never would've told you those stories had I known you'd toss them back in my face." She laughed. "And yes, I've broken rules but usually for a good reason, one that serves a purpose a tad more respectable and altruistic than I'd like to-"

She bit her lip.

Draco grinned and gestured for her to finish. "Do go on. I'd like to hear you finish that."

"You'd like to..." Theo prompted.

She rolled her eyes. "Do more of what we did this weekend."

Draco narrowed his eyes. "Refresh my memory, Granger. What did we do this weekend?"

"The both of you are insufferable."

"I think you mean insatiable," Draco said.

Theo shot Draco a grin. "Good one."

Draco's translation matched hers, so she passed him back his parchment and shut her book with a sigh.

"Are we done?" Theo asked.

"I'm not spending the night," she said. "Unlike you, I don't have an open first block. I've got Arithmancy in the morning and I wouldn't have time to return to my room to change."

"Run by your room tonight and pick up your things," Theo suggested.

She worried her lip.

For all she'd hemmed about the rules, they didn't quite apply to them as they did the younger students. As eighth years that were of age, the rules were a bit more lax, at least in terms of curfews and such. It was rather difficult to enforce rules about sleeping arrangements on legal adults who'd at the very least survived a war, if not fought in one. As long as they didn't flaunt their rule bending, as it was, most of the professors turned a blind eye.

Would it really be so terrible to spend a school night out of her room? No, especially not when it could be spent curled up with Theo and Draco.

"Fine. I'll head out and grab my things. Meet you outside your portrait?"

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