chapter twenty nine

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Miss Granger,

I hope this letter finds you well.

Regretfully, as much as I'd love to acquiesce to your request for access to the Book of Admittance, I simply cannot, not without proceeding through the proper channels. If you wish to file a formal request for access you can do so by contacting the Registrar within the Department of Magical Education.

Best wishes with your upcoming exams,

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Minster for Magic

Ministry of Magic, Great Britain

Dear Miss Granger,

The Department of Magical Education, Ministry of Magic, Great Britain has received your request. You can expect to receive a decision regarding your request on or before the 19th of March, 2002.

We value your patience.

Charlotte Tingleton

Official Registrar for the Department of Magical Education

Ministry of Magic, Great Britain


As per your advice, I submitted an official request to the DME. I can expect an answer in March of 2002. That simply won't do, not when time is so precious, especially in an undertaking such as this, the establishment of a primary school, the first of its kind. Several of the children we might hope to educate will be at Hogwarts by the time an answer is received, and quite frankly, my hopes of receiving a positive response at this juncture are so low I'll be in need of a sturdy shovel to dig for them.

Further, I cannot name the last time you referred to me as Miss Granger. Frankly, I'd be shocked if I wasn't so hurt. We fought alongside one another, or did you forget?

Hermione Granger

Order of Merlin, First Class

Head Girl, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Perpetual Thorn in Kingsley Shacklebolt's Side, Presumably


I want to help, you must understand, but do you realize the red tape involved in granting someone who isn't employed by the Ministry or Hogwarts access to the Book of Admittance? Requests for such access are usually lodged years in advance and even then, ninety-five percent of cases are denied outright. The five percent of cases wherein which access is granted pertain to the tragic occurrence of orphaning of young witches and wizards who are of squib heritage and their subsequent magical guardianship. Furthermore, I must be frank. As much positive weight as your name carries, the name Malfoy carries a similar weight in a very different direction.


Kingsley Shacklebolt

P.S. Merlin, is this informal enough for you?


May I be frank?

You owe me.

I'm calling it in.


P.S. There was a trial. Narcissa and Draco were exonerated, as you very well know. Might I suggest you get over it?


I suppose I should've expected that when you called in your favor, it wouldn't be for something simple like a job within the Ministry. On that note, shall I go ahead and break the news within the DOM and DMLE? They jump at the mere mention of your name; best put them out of their misery, no?

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