The Warren

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                                                                                 Angela's P.O.V.

  I turned my hand around multiple times, as if the answers were hidden in my fingertips. The Guardians were surrounding me, making me feel nervous, but I ignored them. "I don't understand," I said with a furrowed brow, "how am I supposed to fix the whole Warren? Why are my powers showing now? I have so many questions." North laid a large hand on my shoulder.

"I know a lot of things don't make sense right now," he started, "and we're not pressuring you to do anything. But we need your help, Angela. You have the gift of bringing life back to nature itself. Even if it's only a small amount of magic, it still counts."

"We'll also help you," Tooth smiled at me, "we have your back." Midnight whinnied at me encouragingly. I am so lucky to have friends like these. I'm glad that they're willing to help me. I took a deep breath and nodded at them.

"Thank you all," I said, "now what did Mother Nature do when nature needed her help?" The Guardians all glanced at each other with a knowing look. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked with a frown.

"No, it's just..." Jack trailed off, "we didn't interact with Mother Nature often. She was a very mysterious spirit. Besides, she was our boss along with Manny."

"She was in control of all the seasonal spirits," Tooth explained, "Jack was the only one out of us that interacted with her the most." I looked from Tooth to Jack in confusion. This was all so new to me, I still didn't know what was going on.

"Think of it this way," Jack looked at me, "she was basically like the queen and the mother of all seasonal spirits. It was her job to not only control them, but keep them on the right path. She helped me a lot before I became a Guardian. She was kinda my only friend during that time." I nodded, finally understanding my mom's role in the world.

"So she was basically the queen of all the spirits in the world, including you guys?"

"Yes, that's correct," Tooth said. I rubbed my chin in thought. If I was going to be like my mom, I better start small. She played a big role in all the spirits' lives. If I wanted to be like her, I better start now.

"Okay," I put my hands on my hips, "I'll help you restore the Warren, Bunny. But I'm still new at this, so I might not be able to help you fix all the little things."

"Thank you Angela," Bunny grinned with happiness sparkling in his eyes. I grinned back at him, glad to see some of that hope returning. I wish I could be more help to my friends, especially during this time, but I was gonna have to make due.

"Before doing anything big, I want to start by reviving something small," I said as I looked to each of the Guardians. "Maybe I could start by healing a few flowers?" I suggested, not in my element.

"I'll show you the perfect place to start," Bunny gestured for me to follow him. As I followed, I finally got a good look at the ruined Warren. Everything was brown and wilted, implying that no one had been home in a long time. I spied a few cracked shells of colorful eggs here and there. Statues of eggs with intimidating faces etched on them rested against boulders, or were laying on the ground, looking dead. The riverbeds we passed were either dried up entirely, or still had a bit of purple liquid running through them. I had no idea what the purple water meant, but I decided to ask Bunny later. Finally we arrived in a somewhat secluded spot, with a few bare trees concealing us. I was sad to see the dead trees and flowers around us. Bunny was clearly upset, though he tried to hide it.

"You can start with this flower here," Bunny pointed to a wilted flower in front of us. I couldn't even tell what kind of flower it was. I continued to stare at it, wondering how to start. Bunny must've seen my distressed look because he let out a soft chuckle. "Try focusing all your energy in your hands," he began, "and imagine magic flowing from your fingertips to the flower."

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