A Long Awaited Confession

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                                                                               Jack's P.O.V

  I kept glancing at Tooth as North drew out a map of his workshop. What she did earlier had caught me off guard and now I couldn't get her out of my head. What's worse, now she wasn't meeting my eyes and wasn't talking as much to me. On top of all that, Angela was noticing that something was wrong with both of us. It would only be a matter of time before the others caught on, and I don't think I could deal with Bunny's teasing right now. I have to tell her how I feel now, or else it might be too late. "Alright, I will break everyone into teams!" North boomed, startling me out of my thoughts. "We can split up into groups of two," North continued, "or groups of three. What do you guys say?"

"I think we should split up into groups of two!" I said a little two perkily for my taste. I cleared my throat, "you know, so we can cover more ground faster." I sent a silent prayer to MiM that no one would catch on to my little plan. A few glances were exchanged, but Angela came to my rescue.

"Good thinking Jack," she shot me a look. I thanked her silently and nodded. "I'll go with Sandy!" Angela volunteered with a bright smile. Sandy made a smily face above his head with an excited glimmer in his golden eyes. Sometimes I forgot how old of a spirit he was because of his childlikeness.

"I'll go with Tooth," I offered before I could lose my nerve. I peeked at her and could almost hear the groan of embarrassment she was no doubt doing in her head.

"I guess I'm stuck with the big brute over here," Bunny jerked a tiny paw over at North. I cracked a smile at North's glare he sent at Bunny.

"Ha!" North bellowed, "with how tiny you are, I could slap you all the way to Russia!" I snorted and let out peals of laughter. Angela joined in my mirth and soon everyone was holding their sides in laughter. Even Bunny was snickering. Our chuckles petered out and we were all taking breaths of air to calm down. I glanced at Tooth and found her looking at me with fondness. I grinned at her and was pleased when she smiled back. I didn't want the previous awkwardness to return. "Anyway," North said, "everyone split up into your pairs and go to your assigned locations."

"C'mon Tooth," I gestured her to come over to me, "let's go do our 'chores.'" I stifled a frown when she just nodded and walked past me. I took a step to follow her, but Angela grabbed my sleeve. I looked back at her and knelt down when she pulled on my sweatshirt.

"Just tell her Jack," she whispered into my ear. I widened my ice blue eyes in surprise. I knew that Angela knew I liked the fairy, but I didn't know Angela knew how I truly felt about her. "It's okay Jack, your secret's safe with me. Besides, you should tell her how you feel now before it's too late." Suddenly, my stomach fluttered nervously. She must've noticed my expression because she squeezed my hand. "I know you're nervous, but I guarantee you it'll go just fine." I gulped and nodded, not trusting my voice to speak. With that, I walked over to a waiting Toothiana, who looked nervous. She was wringing her small hands and biting her bottom lip. But I didn't say anything about that to her and just flashed her one of my smirks I knew she couldn't resist. Like I predicted, she blushed and the corners of her mouth turned up in a grin.

"So where did North place us?" I asked casually. I didn't want to bring up the subject right away, I wanted to make small talk first. Tooth unfolded the piece of paper she was holding and looked over it.

"It looks like he placed us in the stables and the snow-globe section," her feathers on her head ruffled up, "I guess we have to take care of the reindeers." Excitement bubbled in my chest at the thought.

"We get to see the famous reindeers up close?" I pumped my fist, "awesome!" Tooth giggled like a school girl.

"I've pet them before," she said, "we just have to be careful not to startle them. They are big and powerful. They could hurt you if you're not careful." I put my hand on my heart like a boy scout.

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