A Quiet Moment Shared

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                                                                                    Jack's P.O.V

I watched sadly as Angela ran from us and down the hall. I wanted so badly to comfort her, but I knew I would only make things worse. What I had said to her earlier really hurt her, so I didn't want to hurt her anymore. I winced as a small sharp pain shot through my body. I pressed my hand to my side and decided that I better sit down. I stepped from the wall and leaned on my staff heavily. I was still wounded and as much as I wanted to get up and try to fly, I knew the others wouldn't let me. I walked slowly to the large couch and sat down carefully. I sighed and ran my hands through my messy, white locks. I had really messed up. "Jack," Tooth said sternly, "what got into you back there?"

I didn't need to look up to know she was glaring at me, "I don't know," was all I could say.

"You downright yelled at her Jack!" she scolded, "not only that, but you said some pretty hurtful things to her. She was already under so much pressure, you didn't need to make it worse. She looks up to us, so don't ruin that. When she calms down, I encourage you to apologize to her. I don't want your relationship with her to crumble," she laid a hand on my arm.

I nodded, "I made a mistake and I'll own up to it. I don't know what came over me in that moment, I'm sorry." My mind instantly went back to the Easter incident a few years back. I still didn't quite forgive myself for it, but the other Guardians had apologized. Bunny was the first to say sorry to me. He even tried making a whole speech saying how sorry he was for almost punching me. It was hilarious and I eventually forgave him. However, I still beat myself up about it once in awhile.

"Jack," Tooth said, "she'll forgive you. If she sees that you're sincere about it, she will forgive you. Try not to worry about okay?" she smiled softly at me. I looked at her and smiled. I desperately wanted to tell her how I felt, but too much was going on. I just had to wait a little bit longer, at least until I got my strength back. I pushed my feelings aside and nodded at her.

"Jack, how are you feeling?" North asked.

"I definitely feel better than I did before we came here," I responded. "I still get bouts of pain from time to time, but nowhere near as bad as before. I have you guys and the yetis to thank for that. I didn't get to say it before, but thanks for saving me guys. I don't think I'd be here if it weren't for you," I smiled genuinely at them. They were my family, and I still sometimes couldn't believe that they had accepted me into their lives. I loved all of them like they were my own blood.

"Well of course we would save ya, ya gumby!" Bunny scoffed, "even though you can be a pain in my neck sometimes, I wouldn't trade ya for anything!" Bunny twitched his small nose, a sign of his affection.

Hearing that from Bunny meant more to me than he realized, but I just responded with my mischievous charm. "Aw, you do care Cottontail!" I laughed, "but seriously thanks. That means a lot to me." He smiled at me and crossed his tiny paws. I almost laughed at his size, but I didn't. It would hurt his pride, and that's all we had right now. For a minute, everything seemed back to normal. The sound of the yetis grumbling around us mixed with the soft laughter of my fellow Guardians made me nostalgic for the days before Pitch came to power. I frowned at that thought and fell silent. When would we ever get back to normal? When would the children be able to go outside and play like they're supposed to? When was I able to spread joy and have snowball fights with Jamie again? Then it hit me. Jamie was probably grown now. He was fourteen the last time I saw him and its been three years since we talked to each other. He probably didn't even believe in me anymore!

"Jack, what's wrong?" Tooth hesitantly put her delicate hand on my shoulder. "You're pale as a sheet! Do you feel pain anywhere?" She began searching for any signs of pain written on my face.

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