Izzy's Origin (AU)

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"Jolly Roger Ahoy!" Skully exclaimed from his watchtower.

"What's that sneaky snook up to now?" Cubby asked while looking towards the aforementioned ship.

"We better hide the hideout just in case!" Jake instructed, but Izzy stopped him.

"I'll go talk to them!" She promised.

While uncertain at first, Jake and the crew trusted her, so they let her talk to Captain Hook and Mr. Smee.


"Yo Ho Captain Hook!" Izzy greeted.

"Hello, puny pirate!" Hook exclaimed, cheerier that usual.

From their spot on the window, Skully said Jake and Cubby, "Hook seems... nice! Almost too nice."


"Listen, puny pirate. I have a gift for you. Smee and I picked it out ourselves." Hook said awkwardly.

"Happy Birthday Izzy!" Mr. Smee congratulated.

"Thank you Captain Hook, Mr. Smee!" Izzy smiled.

Izzy took the gift and opened it. There was a decorative bag inside it, that was the same color as Izzy's bandana, with white designs all over it.

"This is really pretty!" Izzy exclaimed, "Thank you, Captain Hook and Mr. Smee!"

"It's for your Pixie Dust and whatever else you need to carry!" Mr. Smee advised, "You have a lot of stuff you usually carry, so this should help you!"

"Thanks!" Izzy said and hugged the two men.

"Don't get used to this!" Captain Hook yelled from his dinghy after they left.

"This is the one day you are nice!" Izzy yelled back.


"So, what was that all about?" Skully asked, "Captain Hook was... nice!"

"I know, it's the one day he is nice!" Izzy exclaimed.

"He got you a gift too!" Cubby said, surprised, "What for?"

"Oh, Um, NOTHING!" Izzy exclaimed. She wanted nothing to do with her past.



"Yo Ho crew!" Peter greeted as he flew into the hideout, "And a special Happy-"

"Special what?" Izzy asked innocently.

Peter sighed, "You haven't told them yet?"

"Told us what?" Jake asked.

"Nothing! Nothing. At. All." Izzy exclaimed.

"Anyways Izzy, the Lost Boys told me to tell you to come by Hangman's Tree for the party tonight. Also, here's my gift!"

"What party? Why are people giving Izzy gifts today? First Captain Hook and now Peter?"Cubby asked, confused.

"You have to tell them Izzy. I doubt they're gonna judge you."

"Don't you trust us, Izz?" Jake asked.

"I do, mateys, but Peter and Captain Hook've known me for longer than you have, so they know about this..."

"They have?!"

"You just told them yourself." Peter smirked.

"Fine." Izzy conceded, "Today was my birthday, but I didn't want to tell anybody who didn't know."

"Why?" Jake asked. He was confused.

"My past wasn't exactly...pleasant." As she said that, she felt a slight burning sensation in between her shoulder-blades. Her eyes widened.

"Uh, what happened, Izzy?" Peter asked once he noticed her eyes widen. He was confused too.

"Something... something bad. I have to go."


"Dear Crew,

I need to leave. Do not ask me why, but I need to. I have to go before my past catches up to me and possibly puts you in danger.



She read out.

"Hm, not bad. Hopefully they don't come after me. I need to go to Coral Castle. Good thing i still have the boat I built before coming here." She said to herself.

"Izzy? What's that piece of paper? Why are you awake?" Cubby asked, rubbing his eyes. They were sleeping, but Cubby had woken up for no apparent reason.

"Nothing Cubby!" Izzy said, much too quickly, but Cubby didn't realize it because of his sleepy self.

"Okay then!" Cubby said, "Sing me a lullaby?"

"Sure Cubby!" But in her heart, she knew that this was probably the last time that was happening.


"Hey Bucky!" Izzy greeted sadly.

Bucky's bell rang a few times.

"I have to go." Izzy explained.

Bucky's bell rang again, but this time, sadly.

"I know, Bucky. If I can, I'll visit, alright?"

Bucky rang his bell once more, and Izzy set sail on her old ship.


"Good Morning Mateys!" Jake greeted.

"Good morning, Captain Jake!" Cubby greeted.



And more silence...

"Look," Cubby said, pointing to a note on Izzy's bed.

"Dear Crew,

I need to leave. Do not ask me why, but I need to. I have to go before my past catches up to me and possibly puts you in danger.


Izzy." Jake read out from the note.

"What?" Cubby asked, confused, "She sang me a lullaby at nighttime yesterday!"

Jake frowned, "We have to go right now. She could still be here!"

"I doubt it, Captain Jake. She knows this hideout like the back of her hand, it's as if she built it, or something. She would be out and somewhere else by now."

Jake scowled, "Why did she think it was a good idea to leave? We could've helped her!"

"Rise and shine mate- where's Izzy?" Skully interrupted himself with the important question.

"She left," Cubby said nervously, "I don't know why. She said it was important and if she stayed here it might put us in danger."



"Izzy! What are you doing here?" The Pirate Princess asked.

"The mark started stinging again," Izzy said, quietly, "I thought it had stopped..."

The Pirate Princess gasped, "Really? It's a good thing you came to me then, little sis."

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