Izzy's Origin (AU) Part 4

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For the first time in a long time, the entire crew was hanging out together. Misty's medicine was working well and Izzy barely had a pain attack every week-or-so.

"Hey, Izzy. Um, can we ask you a question?" Cubby asked.

"Of course, Cubby!" Izzy smiled.

"Why did the Pirate Princess call you unstable?"

Jake raised his eyebrows, and Izzy looked surprised.

"How many people did she tell, exactly?"

"All of us," Skully squawked, "But if you don't want to tell us, you don't have to."

"It's okay. I'll tell you one thing." Izzy said, then turned around.

"You see this tattoo on my back?" Everyone else nodded.

"That is the source of all my problems."


"Hey Izz, where did you get that necklace?" Jake asked, noticing the piece of jewellery for the first time.

"It's really nice!" Cubby added.

"Thank you. It was given to me by my father figure, my first teacher, and my first... friend."

"Who is he?"

Izzy bit her lip nervously. Jake, Cubby and Skully wouldn't like this. And Peter! Oh God, Peter would hate her for this, right?

"If you're not comfortable, you don't have to tell us," Jake reassured, "But you can trust us. We won't mind anything. You're our friend, first and foremost."

Izzy smiled, "I do trust you. More than you guys know. But this secret, you will only know if you search for it. We, me and the person in question, have hidden this well."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that the only clues you have, are my memories."


"Its true," Izzy replied simply, "I... I'll tell you one thing."

Her crew flashed her some reassuring smiles, "Go ahead, but only if you want to, Izzy."
"You guys... were not my first crew."


"Good day, Captain," Izzy greeted, smiling.

"Hello, pipsqueak." said 'Captain' replied.

Izzy smirked, "Onto more pressing matters, Cap. My new crew is about to figure out more about
my past."

"Why must we hide it again?"

"You know why I must. It'll not only put them in danger, but they will hate me for it. It goes
against their morals."

"You were going to be the greatest pirate on the Seas. I don't mean your new "definition" of a
pirate. I mean one of the greatest plunderers there was." The Captain reminisced.

"That part of me died once I killed my blood father."

"The man was evil. He-"

"-Needed to die. I know. But he was my blood, and I should've tried harder to save him."
The Captain sighed, and stepped closer to her.

"Stop beating yourself over it. I have had to pretend to be a... codfish because of it."

"You were always a codfish," Izzy snorted, "But you don't have to pretend any more."

"I can't throw you off the plank."

Izzy laughed, "Of course you can't, Captain Hook. I was trained by you. If I need to, I can fight."

"You aren't the girly-girl you show yourself to be."

"I know. But that's the only part of me they know," Izzy sighed.

"If you don't tell them, I will."

Izzy turned to Hook violently, glaring, "You will do no such thing!"

"I will. I will go and tell them now."


"Captain Hook! What are you doing here?!" Jake exclaimed.

"Well that wasn't the greeting I was expecting, puny pirate!" Hook grinned.

Izzy shook her head violently. Cubby and Skully stared at her. What was she doing?

"What do you want, Hook?" Izzy sighed.

"Well, I wanted to visit my favorite puny pirates!" Hook grinned, and added, "And maybe get a good sword-fight too."

Izzy smirked, "Of course, Hook."

The others watched the exchange with growing interest. What's going on?

"But first, maybe I should tell you all what I was talking about. I need to tell you guys, but it might change what you think of me." Izzy said to her current crew, nervously biting her lip, "Everyone, meet the Captain of my first crew."

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