Time Travel?!?

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Izzy woke up coughing, on the shores of an island with her crew beside her, who were stirring.

"Are- are we back in Neverland?" Cubby coughed out.

Izzy nodded, "Look- that looks like-"

"After eleven years..." Jake trailed off.

And then they heard whispers coming from behind a bush.

"Look- who are they?" One voice said- it sounded like a young boy.

"They look like they washed up here," A girl's voice piped up.

Izzy saw Jake reach for his sword, and stopped him, "They sound like kids. Don't."

Jake sighed and sheathed his sword, "Come out. We know you're there. Those hats don't help."

A younger boy's voice whispered something, and the other voices whispered back, starting a conversation.

"Look," Skully started, "If you don't come out, we're coming there. We know this place like the back of our hands- and wings."

"You can't!" The first boy's voice called out, "We live here!"

"Fine, come out, please. We won't harm you!" Izzy called out to the young children in a soothing voice.

"We're coming out then!" A Parrot's voice squawked.

As the children stepped out, Izzy and her crew shared incredulous looks.

"Hi maties! I'm Jake and this is my crew!" Jake- young Jake- introduced himself cheerily.

"I'm Isabella, you can call me Izzy."

"I'm Cubby!"

"And I'm Skully!"

The incredulous looks shared between the four older crew members grew more incredulous.

"Who might you be?" Izzy asked politely, waving.

"We're y-" (Older)Izzy slapped her palm onto (Older)Jake's mouth.

"This is... Jack, the captain of our crew. I'm his first-mate, Isa, and this is our cartographer, Charles," Izzy (I'm going to call Older/Future Izzy as Isabella, Future Jake as Jacob, Future Cubby as Charles and Future Skully as Skull now) introduced the crew, "This is our pet parrot, Skittles."

"Skittles? You guys call me Skull, remember?" Future Skully squawked.

"Fine," Izzy conceded, "Skull."

Isabella's hand was still stuck onto Jacob's mouth, in order to stop him from talking. Jacob stuck his tongue out and Isabella recoiled as quickly as humanly possible.

"Ew! Ja-ck!" She exclaimed.

"That seems like something Jake would do," Izzy snorted.

"Oh, you have no idea," Isabella mumbled and Jacob, Charles and Skull laughed.

"Anyways, do you mind introducing yourselves? Like your age, where you're from and everything?" Cubby asked.

"Of course! I'm turning eighteen soon, Jack is twenty and Charles is seventeen. We're from, uh, this is Neverland, right?" Isabella asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes," Jake replied, "It's one of the best places there are, right?"

The others found themselves nodding.

"We're from somewhere outside of Neverland," Isabella continued, "We were pirates here like you, but we had to be transported somewhere for our safety because of... something and we learnt self-defence there."

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