drunk [12:08 a.m.]

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The apartment door beeped as Mark swung it open, stumbling into the dark room. He had just gone out for the night, only turning in after he couldn't handle another drinking game with the guys. His uneven footsteps allude to his drunken state.

"Baby!," Mark yelled, giggling profusely as he struggled to balance while he took off his shoes at the doorway.

You shot up from where you were sitting on the couch, shutting off the TV to go deal with your mess of a boyfriend.

"___ I missed you," Mark giggled out, words punctuated with hiccups. He reached out to pull you into a big hug.

"Ew, you reek, Mark," you complain, but accept the warm embrace anyways. You choose to ignore the mildly concerning stain on the front of his jacket.

"Sorrrryyyy," Mark drawls boyishly, "sorry I'm late! I said I'd be back by twelve but it's," he squints his blurry eyes at his wristwatch, "eight past".

You sigh. Sometimes you're not sure if you have a boyfriend or a big baby. He grew heavier with each passing second and you knew it wouldn't be long before you had to drag him into bed by his feet.

"It's okay, baby, it doesn't even matter. Let's go to bed, yeah?". You begin to shuffle backwards from the doorway, still in his arms, more, supporting his increasingly burdensome bodyweight.

Mark mutters inaudible nonsense along the way to your shared bedroom. With mild struggle, you manage to plop him down on the bed and work to remove his outer clothes before tucking him in. Snuggling in next to him, you cuddle into his warm side. You'd waited a long time to be back in his arms.

"___... you wanna know why I'm so drunk?," Mark asks softly, his words a warm whisper to the crown of your head. He reaches a gentle hand to stroke the fallen strands of hair framing your face.

"You suck at beer pong?"

Mark laughs at your terse prediction, "well yes, but that's not it,". He pauses to press a long kiss to your forehead and you sigh at the sweet contact, closing your eyes. "We were playing games today, like always, but jaehyun had the idea that we should spice it up, right? So naturally, it came to 'whoever drank the most soju loved their girlfriend the most',". Your boyfriend sighed, remembering the endless rounds of shots downed against his equally competitive friends. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulled you in tighter.

"And I couldn't just let them win- Johnny went shot for shot with me insisting he loved his girl more than I loved you, so I kept drinking and drinking and," he giggled at the fond memory, "I won".

You felt Mark's lip crook into a smile at his victory and your heart fluttered with forgiveness for his wasted state. Tilting your head back, you saw he was already drifting asleep, the effects of the alcohol and a long night catching up. His eyelashes looked so pretty in the dim moonlit room. You brush your thumb affectionately across his peach fuzz cheek, leaning in to offer a chaste good night kiss. His lips tasted of sweet soju.

Rewritten from my original tumblr imagine on 'morkleemelon'. There is another user on Wattpad, morkleemelon who is not me ♡︎

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