dance practice [6:04 p.m.]

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A soft smile creeps onto Mark's lips as he sees you struggling with the dance moves he demonstrated earlier.

"I just can't do it," you whine, "your choreographies are way too hard".

You cross your arms and pout, looking over to your boyfriend desperately. He always made it seem so easy, but you make the supposedly intricate dance moves look like the limp of an elephant with two left feet.

Mark's gaze softens at you endearingly, not able to hide how cute he thought you were.

Coming up behind you, he rests his chin on top of your head and grabs your wrists to control your arms.

"Stand on my feet".

You flash him a confused look in the practice room mirror but he nods at you to do what he said.

Tentatively, you step your feet back onto his sneakers and he starts to move, taking one step at a time and moving your arms to the right positions. It's sweet but awkward, both of you unable to control your laughter.

"Oh so it's like THIS," you exclaim, flailing around like a car dealership balloon man, Mark's arms coming with yours.

He loses it completely and drops to the ground, holding his stomach and nearly crying with laughter.

You promptly lay on the ground and log roll next to the crying boy and wrap your arms around his waist.

It takes him several minutes to stop laughing about your silly dance moves but when he finally does, he presses a sweet kiss on your nose.

You smile, thinking for sure that it was cuddly-Mark time, looking up at him expectantly.

He smiles down at you and brushes your hair behind your ear.

"Y/n you wanna know something?," he whispers softly.

"Yeah," you whisper back, expecting a sweet confession of love.

"You really suck at dancing"

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